2737 A Mighty Entrance on March 27, 2015 Chapter: Good or BadCharacters: Drow Dewcup, Lord Lewstrom VII King of the Undead "Lewie the Lich", Princess DewcupLocation: Ruun Capitol City of the Rannite Empire Related Comics ¬ 2740 Jokes On Dewcup 2703 Probably Not Wise 2743 Lewie On The Loose 0302 Long Warm Hugs 0161: A Huge Helping Paw
So, are we a good lich or a bad lich? Amazing how flexible his eye sockets are.
yaa Lewie.
¡¡ >*BOOM*< !!
Lewie in da’ house!
I think I’m detecting some overt signs of a bit of an alignment shift.
That started a few pages back, when he splattered that bug against the wall, it just increased when he met his time-lost sister again
Lewie sure knows how to make an entrance, and make an impact on the natives
He honed it to great effect when he returned to the ‘surface world’
Lewie this place, now!
Go Lewie!
Not a common sentence to hear from a lich…
Wait a moment… must resist, must resist, must resist…
…can’t resist!
Just when I thought all of that meme had been completely used up …..
Just beautiful. Everybody make sure to use that at every con you attend this year.
Damn. That so needs to be a t-shirt. With some good Lewie art.
Maybe use Lewie’s smiling happy face from panel four
Lewie’s smiling happy face needs to be made into a t-shirt or a sticker or _something_!
This made me almost fall out of my chair Lol’ing XD
That last panel is hysterically awesome!
Yep. Lewie’s still got it!
It’s so good to see these guys again. Thank you so much for making the time to share more YAFGC stories!
Gosh! This lich have a style!
See, my favourite part was "Didn’t you? Really?"