Good to see Elzear’bith hasn’t become any less delusional. Even better to see that Lewie and Arachne appear to be more or less on the same page and same side.
Maybe it’s me, but it doesn’t seem to me that Arachne typically hesitates over clear statements. Granted, it’s also not likely that Arachne would not think of an excuse before, if she expects to need one. Perhaps she became complacent?
Well, Lizzie _was_ the Queen, before Mahri came along and mucked everything up (but at least Arachne got her sister back :D)
It’s possible that Arachne ‘hesitated’ because she doesn’t want anyone to know that she actually cares about Lizzie, or it could be what everyone else has been saying: she wants to keep an eye on Lizzie to make sure State Secrets stay secret
True. It could be state-secrets. But if it was only that, Lizzie would have been killed. Easier and safer. Instead Arachne rescued her, kept her alive, and allowed her to wander around and blather with everyone she meets. Given that Lizzie is not the smartest, I am not convinced of this explanation.
Property? If that’s her interest, why did she choose Lizzie? Just to show she owns a former queen? Doesn’t count for much if noone else was willing to pay anything for her…
It could be that cares for her, as you suggest. Some at these fora think Arachne incapable of caring about anyone except herself (and perhaps the Drow as a faction). Given her relation with the lowly Gren, that seems too harsh. So it could be an answer.
But none of these answers is very plausible. That leaves scope for an alternative reason. And that’s why I think Lewie asked the right question. Why risk the highly valued Jais and two other servants on a risky mission for Lizzie?
But yeah, only Rich knows the real reason, all we can do is true and pick up on what he has revealed so far and make guesses (with, POO, is the fun part :D)
What Guesticus said. Arachne is a member of the Order of the Spider. If I were to guess at her long-term relationship with Charlotte, I would be inclined to believe that Arachne is/was fully briefed on Charlotte and was put in charge of keeping her as part of her responsibilities in the Order.
If anything, it’s more likely that Arachne has been keeping Charlotte’s true nature a secret from Lizerd Breath.
Hmmmm. Or, Arachne knows just how much Lizerd Breath knows (as the former Queen) … and it is THAT critically important to keep her out of Ranna’s hands so that Ranna doesn’t find out how much the Order of the Spider knows & is involved in keeping Ranna out of this world.
I disagree with part of that–if Arachne knew Charlotte’s real importance, I can’t see that she would have let Charlotte out of her sight. And yes, they thought C was dead, but on the same note, there should have been more reaction. Thank Lolth, the threat’s gone or did it work, did Ranna die too or something like that (not in so many words at that point, of course; we hardly knew of Ranna then IIRC). I guess the question is, how high up the ranks is Arachne and how much does she know and when did she learn it?
Lloth Herself reacted, but she was so drunk she couldn’t remember why Charlie was so important, and by the time the hangover ended, Arachne had made sure She wasn’t coming back anytime soon
Fairly sure, unless there are other OotS members around, she is currently at the top of the OotS Totem Pole (and she has Jais use it to Pole-dance for her :P)
Wait, if Lewie has been watching them all this time (would explain why he happened to show up), and he knows some of Arachne’s business, why did he let them take Lizzie and why didn’t he tell Arachne before now? o_O
Lewie knows, better than nearly everyone else in this world and several others, just how dangerous Ranna is.
Why, INDEED, would he sit back and observe? Lizerd Breath is a minor detail in his seeming inaction. I can even see him being happy to remove her from the playing field; she is (potentially) a serious problem in the future, so her demise at this point could be beneficial overall.
But … BUT, allowing a cult of Ranna to establish …. THAT is a master chess move to draw the opponent out into the open and into a trap. And now he will draw in a member of the Order of the Spider as a key asset.
Heh Heh Heh !
"You mispronounced ‘slave’ again. If you want, I can put you back where I got you."
Good to see Elzear’bith hasn’t become any less delusional. Even better to see that Lewie and Arachne appear to be more or less on the same page and same side.
But, but, Charlotte was the vessel! What’s Elzie got to do with it?
Lewie does ask the right questions.
Lizzie is Arachne’s property, and _no-one_ messes with Arachne’s property
That’s not it. Just look at Arachne’s behavior with the Drow Queen.
Which one? o_O
2768 Looking For Whatsername, bottom left panel.
Maybe it’s me, but it doesn’t seem to me that Arachne typically hesitates over clear statements. Granted, it’s also not likely that Arachne would not think of an excuse before, if she expects to need one. Perhaps she became complacent?
Ah, misunderstood. The current queen. Not the jester. Looking at the final two panels, the jester has a natural talent for the job.
Well, Lizzie _was_ the Queen, before Mahri came along and mucked everything up (but at least Arachne got her sister back :D)
It’s possible that Arachne ‘hesitated’ because she doesn’t want anyone to know that she actually cares about Lizzie, or it could be what everyone else has been saying: she wants to keep an eye on Lizzie to make sure State Secrets stay secret
True. It could be state-secrets. But if it was only that, Lizzie would have been killed. Easier and safer. Instead Arachne rescued her, kept her alive, and allowed her to wander around and blather with everyone she meets. Given that Lizzie is not the smartest, I am not convinced of this explanation.
Property? If that’s her interest, why did she choose Lizzie? Just to show she owns a former queen? Doesn’t count for much if noone else was willing to pay anything for her…
It could be that cares for her, as you suggest. Some at these fora think Arachne incapable of caring about anyone except herself (and perhaps the Drow as a faction). Given her relation with the lowly Gren, that seems too harsh. So it could be an answer.
But none of these answers is very plausible. That leaves scope for an alternative reason. And that’s why I think Lewie asked the right question. Why risk the highly valued Jais and two other servants on a risky mission for Lizzie?
Jais was not one of the three Spies
But yeah, only Rich knows the real reason, all we can do is true and pick up on what he has revealed so far and make guesses (with, POO, is the fun part :D)
Hmmm, wonder if Arachne figures Elzear’bith is the vessel? And what happens to her when Lewie sets her straight on who IS?
No, sounds like you have it backwards
What Guesticus said. Arachne is a member of the Order of the Spider. If I were to guess at her long-term relationship with Charlotte, I would be inclined to believe that Arachne is/was fully briefed on Charlotte and was put in charge of keeping her as part of her responsibilities in the Order.
If anything, it’s more likely that Arachne has been keeping Charlotte’s true nature a secret from Lizerd Breath.
Hmmmm. Or, Arachne knows just how much Lizerd Breath knows (as the former Queen) … and it is THAT critically important to keep her out of Ranna’s hands so that Ranna doesn’t find out how much the Order of the Spider knows & is involved in keeping Ranna out of this world.
From what we have seen, very few of even the Drow believe the OotS is anything more than a bedtime story
I disagree with part of that–if Arachne knew Charlotte’s real importance, I can’t see that she would have let Charlotte out of her sight. And yes, they thought C was dead, but on the same note, there should have been more reaction. Thank Lolth, the threat’s gone or did it work, did Ranna die too or something like that (not in so many words at that point, of course; we hardly knew of Ranna then IIRC). I guess the question is, how high up the ranks is Arachne and how much does she know and when did she learn it?
Lloth Herself reacted, but she was so drunk she couldn’t remember why Charlie was so important, and by the time the hangover ended, Arachne had made sure She wasn’t coming back anytime soon
Fairly sure, unless there are other OotS members around, she is currently at the top of the OotS Totem Pole (and she has Jais use it to Pole-dance for her :P)
I had forgotten that! Thx for the memory jog!
Everyone needs a jog sometimes
Wait, if Lewie has been watching them all this time (would explain why he happened to show up), and he knows some of Arachne’s business, why did he let them take Lizzie and why didn’t he tell Arachne before now? o_O
Lewie!! You got some ‘splaining to do!!
THAT touches on a very interesting point, indeed.
Lewie knows, better than nearly everyone else in this world and several others, just how dangerous Ranna is.
Why, INDEED, would he sit back and observe? Lizerd Breath is a minor detail in his seeming inaction. I can even see him being happy to remove her from the playing field; she is (potentially) a serious problem in the future, so her demise at this point could be beneficial overall.
But … BUT, allowing a cult of Ranna to establish …. THAT is a master chess move to draw the opponent out into the open and into a trap. And now he will draw in a member of the Order of the Spider as a key asset.
This is really getting fascinating.
Rich, you’ve got a numbering typo. This and the previous comic have the same number.
EEP! Thank’s T-Chall. Fixed it.
It’s not fixed in the URL (yet?).
Still numbered ‘2781’ in the URL
Good catch! I think that’s fixed too now.
This made me laugh xD
Uhm… does Arachne think that Elzie holds Ranna’s soul? Shouldn’t she know that it’s Charlotte? Or did I get something messed up?