2783 Arachne Gets Told on July 8, 2015 Chapter: The Serpent AwakesCharacters: Arachne the Drow, Lord Lewstrom VII King of the Undead "Lewie the Lich"Location: Arachne's Cavern Related Comics ¬ 0988 Glon Makes Nice 0635 Behold 0771 Whither The Priestess 0588 All Coming Together 0500 Agony Aunt Arachne
Ooo, so _that’s_ why Arachne bought Lizzie? o_O
Was really hoping it was because she cared 🙁
Heh heh, Lewie still has his "Trivial Pursuit" piece 😀
Ah, there we go! On the other hand, bad news for Elzear’bith, potentially 🙁
Not necessarily: simply means Arachne may or may not care enough about her to protect her (and that has not been disproven yet)
More importantly, she might want a refund. A gold piece is a gold piece.
Thought she paid a copper o_O
Good call!
So much for evil creatures.
They’ve renounced every potential evil god/goddess and are now seeking to live in peace with each other within the Black Mountain?
They’re getting soft.
"They’ve renounced every potential evil god/goddess"
No they haven’t. The Drow haven’t renounced Lolth, nor the Orcs Gruumsh. It’s only Ranna that’s unpopular.
Yeah, all the Drow did was lock Lloth out, but they both did get a bit of a cold shoulder after the "Coup De Drow" arc
They totally did. Lolth worship was even outlawed, as explained a few pages back by Ms George Washington hair.
Plus, *They’re seeking to bring peace to the Mountain*
Totally gone soft
Peace can be a matter of self-interest. Fighting prevents one from pursuing many other activities, and gets tiresome besides.
Plus, none of them really (except maybe the orcs) have the numbers for continued fighting, and as much as Wolf is completely dedicated to his role of being the new Father of the Drow, new troops will take time
thats only 2 gods abandoned there are plenty more
such as Kurtulmak
Would this be a good time to go "oops"?
Going by that face and pose in the last panel? More likely be "Bite me bonehead!!" 😀
Arachne doesn’t go "oops" unless it’s to ‘apologize’ for ‘accidentally’ maiming someone. In this case, it’s more of a "Fuck off".
To be fair, Glon’s group used a Gummer-sized explosion to bury Charlotte under half a mountain, so he can’t be blamed that he thought she died.
And that was after he thought he strangled her. (It was really one of her servants, disguised by illusion.)
I really hate being that wrong.
Probably almost as much as Arachne does …
I love it when Lewie is competent. And yet, I’m looking forward to his next ‘Curses!’
Yeah, you just _know_ that that is coming soon 😀
Is that why she was a queen although everyone hated her? Because the order(Or Arachne herself) wanted to keep her close?