I don’t think there are enough of the true DMs to make a dent in that force, especially given that the true DMs don’t have gorgons! (And a few of them appear to be, well, idiots.) The orks, going in, lacked vital strategic information, that being that they were going up against gorgons.
Very , very NOT GOOD!!
I don’t think Gaggia will be catching up with Glon after all. I just hope Ibkis was serious about taking the kids on a little adventure, and had them out of the palace by this point, somewhere hard to find. And I hope Glon has a realm to return to. Where are mirrored sunglasses when you need them… I think Lewie waited a bit too long to act.
Two things come immediately to mind. First, there are a LOT of caves & caverns filled with a LOT of critters with many and sundry abilities. So, once word gets out there could be quite a pitched battle throughout the Mountain, and Ranna’s Dark Mistresses would be outnumbered.
Balanced against that … this entire force of Dark Mistresses is comprised of recruits from pretty much every culture Under the Mountain … so they have quite a bit of intelligence to work with.
Heh. Excepting, of course, any Kobold recruits, amongst a few others. Will be interesting to see how that plays out.
And, then, it’s also been strongly hinted that Jone is not entirely out of play yet, either. that could still be quite the interesting wild card.
My fear is that Maula and Gaggia may be beyond saving, since they are in such immediate proximity to ground zero. Although, they are both fearsome fighters and Gaggia is no slouch in the magic arts department ….
Am I the only one who finds the timeline of recent events a bit … wierd ? I mean they rescued Lizard Breath, discussed about Charlotte, met with Glon, prepared an entire expedition to faraway lands, said their goodbyes and set off BEFORE the end of the orc raid on the dark mistresses ?
Either it was a very very very long raid or they really really don’t waste time preparing expeditions under the black mountain
Fairly sure someone else can come up with a better name, but was thinking something that spelt out ‘ORC’, like ‘Orcish Retribution C…’ (just not sure what the ‘c’ would be )
Beholder versus gorgon, stare against stare… I am not sure who would win, but it would be epic to see. There is also a drider around there somewhere. She might be formidable, if she knows she is going against gorgons, and can prepare accordingly.
Well, if any of the gorgons are dumb enough to stand in front of Bob or any other beholder when they try the Gaze, they’ll be out of luck since they’d be within the beholder’s Anti-Magic Eye’s effect so all they’d be doing is just staring at it… and then the beholder eats the gorgon while going to town on the rebel Dark Mistresses with its Slay Living, Cause Serious Wounds, Disintegrate, Fear, and Telekinetic eyes.
Not good, not good at all!!
Where is Jais and the true DMs?
I don’t think there are enough of the true DMs to make a dent in that force, especially given that the true DMs don’t have gorgons! (And a few of them appear to be, well, idiots.) The orks, going in, lacked vital strategic information, that being that they were going up against gorgons.
Very , very NOT GOOD!!
I don’t think Gaggia will be catching up with Glon after all. I just hope Ibkis was serious about taking the kids on a little adventure, and had them out of the palace by this point, somewhere hard to find. And I hope Glon has a realm to return to. Where are mirrored sunglasses when you need them… I think Lewie waited a bit too long to act.
Yeah. Exactly Not Good At All.
Two things come immediately to mind. First, there are a LOT of caves & caverns filled with a LOT of critters with many and sundry abilities. So, once word gets out there could be quite a pitched battle throughout the Mountain, and Ranna’s Dark Mistresses would be outnumbered.
Balanced against that … this entire force of Dark Mistresses is comprised of recruits from pretty much every culture Under the Mountain … so they have quite a bit of intelligence to work with.
Heh. Excepting, of course, any Kobold recruits, amongst a few others. Will be interesting to see how that plays out.
And, then, it’s also been strongly hinted that Jone is not entirely out of play yet, either. that could still be quite the interesting wild card.
My fear is that Maula and Gaggia may be beyond saving, since they are in such immediate proximity to ground zero. Although, they are both fearsome fighters and Gaggia is no slouch in the magic arts department ….
Popcorn time.
It would be fun if the kobolds will be instrumental in the defeat of the DMs. Not only, because it would mean the DMs are defeated…
Btw, is it concidence that the abbreviation of those girlies is DM?
Am I the only one who finds the timeline of recent events a bit … wierd ? I mean they rescued Lizard Breath, discussed about Charlotte, met with Glon, prepared an entire expedition to faraway lands, said their goodbyes and set off BEFORE the end of the orc raid on the dark mistresses ?
Either it was a very very very long raid or they really really don’t waste time preparing expeditions under the black mountain
Wait. What? I thought Jone got fried.
Yeah, she did. She was last seen terrorizing lost Orc souls in her own Orcish hell.
Yup, She got promoted to Demi-Goddess of Eternal Orc Punishment
Fairly sure someone else can come up with a better name, but was thinking something that spelt out ‘ORC’, like ‘Orcish Retribution C…’ (just not sure what the ‘c’ would be
Orcish Retrubtion Corps?
Obsidion Rehabilitation Community.
Omnivorous Rending Claws.
Overly Roasted Casualties.
‘Orrific Realm of Chaos.
Orcish Recess of Continuous Suffering!!!
Oblation Recurrently Condign
Oblivion Relentlessly Craved
Obscurum Regnum Cruciati
Last one would be cleverer if I wasn’t pretty sure I’ve buggered up the Latin
‘Orcish Recess of Continuous Suffering!!!’ sounds perfect
Orcish Retirement for Cowards
For some reason the words ‘who says it ain’t working now?’ just popped into my head.
"oh REALLY, Creep?"
Boy oh boy, i know of someone that could turn things around, but…. oh well.
Such as…? About the only one of the ‘big guns’ left is Bob and Gren, and really not sure how much they could do in an open confrontation
Beholder versus gorgon, stare against stare… I am not sure who would win, but it would be epic to see. There is also a drider around there somewhere. She might be formidable, if she knows she is going against gorgons, and can prepare accordingly.
Well, if any of the gorgons are dumb enough to stand in front of Bob or any other beholder when they try the Gaze, they’ll be out of luck since they’d be within the beholder’s Anti-Magic Eye’s effect so all they’d be doing is just staring at it… and then the beholder eats the gorgon while going to town on the rebel Dark Mistresses with its Slay Living, Cause Serious Wounds, Disintegrate, Fear, and Telekinetic eyes.
Bob does do the beam spam well.
Whatever Rich Morris has planned, it’s going to be a twist (either for good or bad)