2800 Divine Snack
on August 17, 2015
Chapter: The Serpent Awakes
Characters: Ranna Goddess of Chaos and Cruelty, Scorpi
Location: Scorpi's realm
Okay, so it took me long enough, I know… but here it is! Volume 5 “Bloodfire” is now available for pre-order!!!
Wow, that escalated quickly
A single level of anything is not an escalation. Ranna came out at 100.
Where do the servants and slaves in the afterlife come from?
Aw, the deity can just pull those out of the ether…
Presumably followers who didn’t do a good job or weren’t quite as faithful as these guys.
Don’t count your disciple too quick there Rancid breath
Okaaay… I hope that the other gods have a plan, ’cause I don’t think it’s going well when Ranna is able to EAT another god without any trouble.
Lloth ain’t gonna be happy: Scorpi is <I>her</I> nemesis!!!
So Ranna can absorb other gods…
Thats kinda… bad^^
Might have had something to do with poor Scorpi running out of living followers
Still…. that’s awfully sudden.
Her attack? Or Him running low on followers?
She probably chose this time to attack because she feels there is no one left in Black Mountain to challenge her
"..Youirs to enjoy."
So bored that you’ve decided to do a complete reread and point all all the spelling mistakes that haven’t yet been corrected, hunh?
Without double-checking for their OWN spelling mistakes before sending the comment.