2821 Queen Mum on October 5, 2015 Chapter: The Serpent AwakesCharacters: SaidrahLocation: Castle Shallmar Related Comics ¬ 2723 Goddess Chess 2548 Subtle Difference 2817 Queen Anna 3330 The Rannites Attack 2549 A Random Element To Keep It Interesting
Wait, what?
Oh, was wondering how Charlie managed to get there so quickly (and why she didn’t go to Black Mountain first), but then read the Tags
Can see why Shawn banged her… actually, not really o_O
Wait… was’nt Shaidrah "saved from Rannas Influence"? So…why is she a Rannite now?
Or does Shaidrah fight against Ranna? And got a Monster-Army as minions?
Guess getting boinked by The Fox turned her evil again
As long as they kept her from growing up, they were safe. Well…girl grew up. Yikes.
If she’s the ‘Queen Mum’, where are her stylish hats? o_O
Time hasn’t be kind to Saidrah.
Look at who her mother is! 😮
Goodness, if only there were guards around to tell her what (little) they know. But I expect she made that impossible.
You mean the suits of armour? They probably went out looking for her (unless you expected them to just stand there)