i’m not so sure. adwen isn’t called the cruel for nothing. if there was a rannite cell inside the daughters why wouldn’t they have reached out to her. i’m not saying she doesn’t mean well, but she seems like somebody they would have tried to turn sooner than this.
She’s cruel, not stupid or evil, remember what she did to… ooo actually, that just reinforces your point, but no, have to go with the fact that she was on the side of the ‘good guys’
In this case, it just means ‘head’: she’s basically saying that their heads are like a used communal toilet after a ten day curried-prune festival (not sure if the ‘s’ word censored or not and don’t want to type it in the event that it is)
Perhaps Adwen might be able to pick up a few pointers from Sydney Scoville Jr, over at Grrl Power. Mathias has assessed her cursing ability at 7th Dan Black Belt…
Still waiting to see that the Daughters are now Rancid, whether 100% infection is yet to be determined
Nah. It looks like it’s too small an outpost.
i’m not so sure. adwen isn’t called the cruel for nothing. if there was a rannite cell inside the daughters why wouldn’t they have reached out to her. i’m not saying she doesn’t mean well, but she seems like somebody they would have tried to turn sooner than this.
She’s cruel, not stupid or evil, remember what she did to… ooo actually, that just reinforces your point, but no, have to go with the fact that she was on the side of the ‘good guys’
Privy Council!
Nice one.
It’s also slang for a toilet
Um, yes.
As is "head," obviously.
In this case, it just means ‘head’: she’s basically saying that their heads are like a used communal toilet after a ten day curried-prune festival
(not sure if the ‘s’ word censored or not and don’t want to type it in the event that it is)
Please stop trying to explain things to me. It is painful to watch you beg for attention like an 8-year old.
If this turns to dark mistresses vs daughters of the blade, then we got to call our ‘Bro’ ==》giant chick-fight incoming
Panel 3: "And yet Yere…"
Perhaps Adwen might be able to pick up a few pointers from Sydney Scoville Jr, over at Grrl Power. Mathias has assessed her cursing ability at 7th Dan Black Belt…