2889 Hot Damn
on April 11, 2016
Chapter: The Serpent Awakes
Characters: Arachne the Drow, Cadugan, Caelin, Glon Smitharm/Bloodhand, Lucas Greyfort, Princess Shaija of the Red Orcs, Queen Elzear'bith of the Drow
Location: Uagi Desert
He just HAD to say it? 😀
Well, The Cad _always_ complains, and, like a dutiful wife, Luke has to appease him 😛
Be grateful for small mercies Cad: at least your skin won’t literally catch fire like Arachne and Lizzie
The only part of Lizzie’s actual skin that can be exposed to the sun is her neck updwards. The rest is the DM suit, perhaps that doesn’t catch fire the same way?
Does it really matter if it’s your head that turns to ash? o_O
Is there any part of a flat desert in the daytime which ISN’T a bright side?
One can make a stealth check anywhere if they just try hard enough.
must… resist… terrible star wars joke…
Oh, go ahead, why not?
Was it
"These are not the Dweebs you are looking for."?
"Do you know where we can find a hive of scum and villainy?"
A half-elf ranger and two dark elves, and they still missed their listen checks.
Difficult to hear anything of Cad’s constant whining and whingeing
When are these people going to learn what happens when the Law of Serendipity has offspring with Murphy’s Law?
When authors play nice with their characters…
How on earth do they *do* that?