2949 Crowasaurus
on August 22, 2016
Chapter: Yet Another Fantasy Gamer Crossover
Location: "Eddie's Retreat" the Magic Tower
I really dropped the ball last week, only got one strip out. Sorry about that, people. I’m expecting to do better with the next few.
Scale, Hank, Handler and Gertrude are all visiting us from “Cowboys and Crossovers”
Drawn by Ron Bender (Well, when they aren’t being drawn by me, that is…)
Also, thanks to Ron Bender for helping me translate Hank’s dialogue into “Old Westernish”.
I’m sure someone already said this, but I’m picturing that thing talking like Gilbert Godfrey. Kind of a prehistoric Iago…
Nobody’s said that yet. This is it’s very first appearance.
Gee thanks a lot. Gilbert Godfrey…Now I can’t *un*hear his voice…
Yup: Iago’s voice is _exactly_ what I heard when reading his dialogue.
The conversation pictured here is almost the same one Rich and I had when we were discussing this critter. Lol
I wonde how they all want to leave the tower, with an angry Jone roaming around outside? Could be a bit nasty.
I am *so* looking forward to the nickname you’ve given MZ.
Its name is in the tags: Mike the Microraptor.
Ah, yes, so it is. Thanks.
Well our first talking dinosaur…
Only magic could infuse a brain that small with the ability to speak.
Altho … I have also heard that some pro-wrestling fans have also mastered that trick.
It’s a neat little trick that they’ve picked up from some of the actual pro-wrestlers that they follow around; monkey see, monkey do, & all that.

Had to think about it for a minute, but as counterpoint to "Gilbert voice", I’m imagining the micro raptor sounding like Virgil from Mighty Max.