3011 Golterpest on March 22, 2017 Chapter: 068 - Age of ShadowsCharacters: Glon Smitharm/Bloodhand, Martyr Ghost of Weepwood, Princess Shaija of the Red OrcsLocation: Weepwood Forest Related Comics ¬ 2162 A Second Confrontation 1336 Topic Addressed 1903 Gummer Goes West 0113 Glon Gets The Upper Hand 1208 And Thats Why They Called On Her
Thanks for the warning?
Well, then everyhing is ok, I was worried for a moment
Glon! You never, NEVER win in these woods! Be nice!
Also: "spine of the woods" Nice.
"Lions and Tigers and Bears! I WISH!!"
Meh, Gron, don’t wraith your breath :p
Come on, Glon. You see scarier things in your dreams, or are you getting to human?
Man up Glon. you’re the next king of the orcs, you can do this.
Weepwood, living up to its name by making grown Half-orcs cry.
Yeah, that's bad. While the ghouls were terrifying when he was younger, I doubt that they pose much threat to him and Shaija. But Wraiths? You can't even *try* to fight those without magic weapons.