3119 The Little Librarian on February 9, 2018 Chapter: The Little LibrarianCharacters: Trevor LarkinLocation: Tempul, The Great Library, The Great Temple Related Comics ¬ 3134 Here It Comes 3172 Just Me 3121 Take A Powder 3342 Goddess Meet N Greet 3404 We Have An Accord
I am profoundly honored, grateful, and can’t wait to see what happens next! Thank you ever so much!
Your name in lights, as it were. Thank you so much, Rich! <3
Congratulations, Justin! I am eagerly awaiting to see how this story unfolds. It will be a terrific story, I’m sure.
Trevor Larkin – great name.
Oh! Dis gonna be gud! I can tell.
Off to build up my popcorn stock.
Ooooo new arc, a new character AND a collab? Nice!
Is that a Kobold, perchance?
Hopefully, this one is sane. As much fun as Captain Fang is…
My first suspicion is Flannet’s Halfling husband that just dodged the curse.
I hope not trevor’s epic beard (great artifact name come to think of it) would look REALLY weird on a kobald
As a librarian myself, I approve the direction this arc is taking. 😀
And, to quote another great librarian: "Ook." 😉
I opened the comments to see the comment like yours! 🙂
As long as we’re quoting, you know what the most dangerous thing in Elegrost is, right? Halfling with a library card.
Married a librarian because of all the awesomeness they are. Have lived in libraries since I was too young to read. Just the setup here has me giggling and jumping with joy!
I would collaborate myself but I’m an anti-social sod 😛
A pipe smoker; that’s always a good sign! I just hope you remembered the mandatory leather elbow patches.
Ranna has an overdue library book.
I mean, she’s been out of touch for literally ages. Do you have any idea how big a fine she could have?
Might sit out this arc.
How will you know when it’s over?
I’ll look in maybe once a month and check.
It’s looking like it might be a kill fest!