3130 Trevor Trevors As Only Trevor Can on March 14, 2018 Chapter: The Little LibrarianCharacters: C'rhynne, Glon Smitharm/Bloodhand, Leland, Trevor LarkinLocation: The Great Library Related Comics ¬ 0446 Glon The Strategist 1163 Join Usss 2889 Hot Damn 2402 A Smack In The Face Of Destiny 1259 The New Kid In Town
I…I fear I may be entirely too close to the subject to offer meaningful feedback, but…squee?
Seconded. Squee. ❤️
Could it be that panel 5 is a wink to the fans?
You mean the extreme closeup (by this comic’s standards) with the character winking perfectly along the Z axis?
I’m not sure there’s sufficient evidence to support that hypothesis.
At least a knock on the fourth wall. 😉
Yes. Yes indeed. Squee.
You have every good reason to squee. 🙂 Lovely comic today. 🙂
Nothing wrong with talking a lot, as long as you genuinely have something to say!
As the native American chief said to Jose Wales: "You’re words have iron."
Parents were both humans? Eh, still not as weird as Stuart Little.
Didn’t the previous Winnablabla storyline specifically establish that Winna’s could be born to other species?
Yes, but wasn't that the *origin* of their species thousands of years ago? It isn't something that is supposed to happen in the present day.
RIP Stephen Hawking
Only once? He should be more around children, I’m sure he will get more cases of being called "kitty".
Being a librarian, he might be the card CATalog.
Born in the village of Forlorn? Isn’t that somewhere in Katmandu?
didn’t the backstory for Winny-loo-hoo-hoo’s state that they didn’t need to have a wlhh parent for a wlhh child to be born?
I think Trevor has researched that, as he did say "perhaps". But like all good scientists and researchers, he doesn’t jump to conclusions.
And here I thought that librarians were supposed to be quiet.
Out in the stacks, sure. In his office, maybe not.
He sure does seem like someone who’d like silence when he’s deep in study.
However! yeah, I do get the impression that in his office, it’s like releasing a pressure valve.
Imagine all the things you’d think of and like to talk about while being quiet!
Wouldn’t get much into the researcher aspect of librarian-ing if you didn’t talk.
Quiet in volume level, but not necessarily intensity!
I had the wife read this. She laughed her keister off when she got to Panel 5.
Thanks, Rich.
As long as YOU knew who he was winking at. 🙂
"Gravitas" that’s called.
…And now I can’t help but hear Morgan Freeman’s voice reading all his lines.