3139 Where Was I on April 25, 2018 Chapter: The Little LibrarianCharacters: Baron Owen Greyfort, C'rhynneLocation: Greyfort Related Comics ¬ 3104 Baronial Visitation 3093 Uh What Just Happened 3175 Royal Fare Thee Wells 3115 A Final Vengeance 3145 Door Shocked
C’rhynne…persuasive, persistent, difficult to deter from task!
Meanwhile, Glon is mentally rolling his eyes. "Yeah, that’d dad all over."
If he knew about this. Rich is indulging us with C’rhynne’s flashbacks, much like he indulged us with Glon’s flashbacks.
If he knew about this, then I’m sure he would feel really weird and awkward about having a childhood crush on the girl that slept with his dad… Maybe…
Woman. And what a woman!
Women glon had a crush on slept with his dad
Thats a dork killer
i can imagine that in the ‘real’ world she said " i tried to get the baron to talk to him about it’ ๐
When she out-muscle mass’s you by about 1.5 to 1, Good Idea to listen. And nod. Nodding in agreement is safest. Pretty sure her grip is entirely impressive.
Wish I’d met Cโrhynne when I was in my prime. sigh.
Good time to get him to listen…
Now that she has his attention…Among other things.
Meanwhile, relating the story to Glon: "It wasn’t easy, but I finally managed to persuade Baron Greyfort to talk to Lucas."
"It was hard at first, but eventually I got him to listen."
"He was hard to get to at first, but he eventually softened up" ๐
Didn’t stop Glon from socking Lucas in the jaw with a metal tankard and then summarily beating the crap out of him. :V
3138.5 is just a black card, white letters:
3138.51 is the start of a slide show on trees:
"The Larch. The Larch."
Now where’s the strip about her lecturing recruits to "always make sure you have the best tactical position"? ๐
Discussion thread open on our forums! Come on by!
Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor lusty Baron stays C’rhynne from her appointed duty… ?
Well, there’s women’s fabled multitasking ability right there. Can plan the shopping even during the most intimate moments.
Then again, many men can also watch football during same said moments…
"Now that I finally have your complete and undivided attention…"
Wow! That was fast.
To be fair, they already had a thing going by this time….
Wow. every biological relative to glon is/was an absolute playa, The baron, miss Bloodhand, it’s easy to see where our resident BDHO gets his swag
Great news, Glon! Your first crush was shlupping your dad! Enjoy the mental images!
Ain't learning history fun? ^_^