What usually happens in these circumstances is the sharks all suddenly vanish & the people on the ship are all like, ‘yeah, you better run’/’Well, we sure showed them’ etc. etc.
Although looking at comic 0968 My What A Dirty Fan, that dragon might even be a shapeshifter. I so called it if that is true, lol
It could even be Ranna herself, but then her name isn’t in the list.
Yep, lady Vivay https://yafgc.net/comic/1945-the-ladys-motive/
Last seen in the castle they are heading towards https://yafgc.net/comic/2840-royal-panic/ (she and Alaria are still missing in cast list *cough*)
They seem to be having abit of issues with the sky sharks. Have they tried turning them off and on again?
You win the Internet for today, Andrew.
That drago has it’s tail intact, so just a random Rancid dragon and not that Shadowy worm
Thank you for pointing that out!
To be honest, we don’t know if they are rancid or not, they will have to catch it and cook it to find out
Dragon parallels the ship: "Pardon me, do you have any Grey Poupon?"
What usually happens in these circumstances is the sharks all suddenly vanish & the people on the ship are all like, ‘yeah, you better run’/’Well, we sure showed them’ etc. etc.
Then they find the sharks just went around to the other side of the boat
Or a bigger threat has arrived… which it did.
Good point in that final panel: The Rannites probably don’t know this ship exists (yet).
Along came a dragon.
The dead of that dragon looks like a pissed off mouse.
Looks more like a cat to me…
At least it was a dragon and not a flying sheep, because then it would be… a woolly bully
Looks like things are about to get a bit hairy. That dragon better have a short neck if Zac is about, or it’ll end up being chop suey.
Although looking at comic 0968 My What A Dirty Fan, that dragon might even be a shapeshifter. I so called it if that is true, lol
It could even be Ranna herself, but then her name isn’t in the list.
Sometimes, Mr Rich leaves out names if it will be a spoiler, at least until _after_ the reveal
And I trust Dave’s instinct on this one. Could be a shapeshifting mouse that turned itself into a dragon.
Just remembered something: isn’t there a shape-shifter who likes dragon-form who has a hatred for Runt? o_O
Yep, lady Vivay https://yafgc.net/comic/1945-the-ladys-motive/
Last seen in the castle they are heading towards https://yafgc.net/comic/2840-royal-panic/ (she and Alaria are still missing in cast list *cough*)
The fact Alaria wasn’t shocked, gives me belief (hope?) she is now wearing a nice fancy dragon-skin cloak with matching boots
Wyvern form, actually. Wyverns have two legs, dragons have four.
Close enough: can’t see how many legs that thing has, and dragons don’t tend to have the face of a cat