3218 The Job Goes South
Late again! Sorry sorry!
Also check out: The Ole Comix Blog which I’m attempting to revive. “The Genosha Sequence” by Ardatli is going up once a week, starting from the beginning again to give me time to draw the rest of the story. I’ll also be putting up “House of Paulus” again while I work on the sequel, “Son of Paulus” and -as the muses stir- I’ll also be getting to more of the Archie story and other Stories & Crossovers!
Wish me luck!
No need to apologize. Heh–I was expecting the situation would be resolved something like this. Looking forward to the next installment.
Will also check out the comic blog, as suggested. Good to know you’re keeping busy.
"I’m not an orc! I don’t want to do the Orc Face!"
"…but if I have to do it, I’ll be really good at it. Just don’t you dare think I’m having any fun."
So, is "Mrs. Lavender" traveling with mistresses, secretly also a mistress, just being followed, or what?
It’s Flannet, after the Niko baroness story she left with the two who joined her Mistresses to check on her now ex husbands. Start here.
Two mistresses who joined her…
Words are hard to sentence make :p
Ohhhhhhh! Oh yeah! Thanks for the link!
Ohh – best of luck to you then. One more thing to check for updates again obsessively.
Love Rhyann’s face in that last panel btw
Good luck then, Rich!
I have a notion that Flannet might actually be pleased to find her daughter being such a protective and spirited girl.
Yes, especially since like Mother, like daughter, in this case
Well, if Ryann’s half-brother Charles is any indication, it appears to be genetic in the Hunter clan.
After all, Flannet was the one who taught Cadugan archery. These kids come from a line of established independence and general badassery.
Now I want to see Ryann, Cadugan and Charles together.
Also, RIP Taidor.
Taking bets that when Ryann hears about Flannet’s adventures she wants to start traveling with her.
Total sucker’s bet.
I’m in
I like how Ryann’s dad’s left eye is slightly bigger than the other even though it’s perspectively further away. Gives the subtle impression that his eye is about to pop out his head in rage
Poor scouting, but the execution of the plan was A Number One.
Now, I know a lot of your long time readers will know (and probably gessed by your response to a comment on the previous strip), but I still want to commend you on a well timed and well scripted episode so far!
That it is well drawn goes without saying. And to be honest, you do have a good feel for the comedic fantasy, but this just deserved extra mention!
Something I particularly love about YAFGC is Rich’s terrific command motion language in the still medium. He conveys scope and tangential angle of motion so well, that there’s an "animated" quality to still images like these. Combine this with a really impressively cinematic sense of framing, and you have a strip that really does play out like a cartoon, in front of your eyes.
And then, on top of all of that…you have Rich’s legendary writing ability…
Thank you! I think thou dost exaggerate my abilities. But…. It’s so good to hear/read that.
May I direct your attention to Exhibit A: Note the framing of the door, the leaning of Gruffo to create a left-is-back-right-is-forward simple but effective forced perspective in Panel 1. Then note the full curl of the motion lines in Panel 3, which more than indicate the "bagging motion," but rather, suggest an entire flow to Ryann’s sneak attack: up-rearing-back, high, then down-and-toward-herself-again with the bag! But the coup de grace is the framing of panel 6, with Flannet’s ersatz-bag-headgear truncated and that starkly Dutch angle on Ryann capturing both her role in the little coup, and the impact the news has had upon the young lady.
This is some really effective use of frame and motion. After careful review, I can’t truthfully see that as exaggeration. You’re simply really, really good at this, I’m afraid!
Thank you SO much! I’m heartily encouraged and flattered by this. I appreciate that you took the time to say it.
It was mentioned by Flannet that she had a daughter with a hobbit sometime back. I really don’t understand why kids of human & hobbit pairings aren’t hybrids at all.
Ooooh ooohhhhh…. you done it, you asked That Question(tm)! *puts on nerd-lecturer hat*
Well… since you asked….
In YAFGC world -as I’ve looked at various world-builds in various settings and incorporated ones I liked most- Hobbits (or Halflings) and Humans are, in fact, more closely related to eachother than other "subraces" or "Demi-Human" races. In fact they’re so biologically similar that mixing their genes doesn’t create a hybrid at all. They’re literally the same species with specific characteristics coded on or off. So a mixed pairing will create either Humans or Halflings depending on the mother. Halfling mothers -being little- can only produce Halfling characteristic children. But Human mothers can produce either/or. They’re either born with the Halfling triggers or not.
Elves and Humans are less closely related but are close enough for their genes to try to blend. Same with Orcs and Humans. It’s more common for Elves and Humans to produce nothing statistically, but Half-Elves do occur. Orcs on the other hand are genetically predisoposed to glom onto anything, so Half-Orcs are as common as Orc/Human pairings.
There are all sorts of race pairings that produce other results, but I could go on and on and on… and have done in the past.
Hmm, is that a Mendelian trait? If so it must be a recessive one. Wonder how often you get two humans with recessive halfling genes having a halfling child?