The fact that Obscuria mentioned "Perendelee" in the question indicates that they did in fact read the name tag, NotRichard. The question was "why" does she have "Roberta" as a nickname. A question which has an answer, but has not been answered in the strip itself. You’re a little trigger happy with the snappy answers.
The answer, Obscuria, lies in Roberta/Perendelee’s past which I’ve not covered in YAFGC yet. When she went out adventuring among the big folk she adopted herself a more Human sounding name to fit in better. There’s more to it, but I’m not able to go into it more at this moment.
Was implying that was her nickname (or at least her Adventuring Days Name), and that it has been part of her tag since the beginning
Maybe your untold tale will explain why he looks shocked to see her alive, while she looks happy (one or the other was possibly left behind, believed dead or captured)
Yup, Rich Morris has confirmed the latter one’s what it is. Was just wondering because in Clover’s background story, she used to be called "Perry" when she was younger.
Sorry, didn’t know it was retro active, or when the tag got changed (just remember seeing "Roberta" as part of her name for a long time)
‘Grrl Power’ has different tags so as to avoid spoilers (they have a Character Tag, and an Archive Tag)
Now that you mention it, I wonder how long will it take them to realise they are siblings… At least, even if they do know about each other, I don’t think its likely they have met in the last 20 or so years…
Another loose end is a group of formerly dead guardsmen sworn to the service of a half-orc princess’ decedent, & here’s some hobbits with a half-orc girl of unexplained origins. Hum?
I’m trying to figure out if this is just happening at mile marker 50 or if there’s a crossroads nearby. (and if there is, watch out for demons offering assistance)
What I find is a neat touch which many might not have noticed is Stonefoot’s steed. A mountain goat. So now we have the commanders riding two huge wolves, a standard horse, and a billy goat. And all well disciplined enough to accept the others.
Feels like the last ride of the Old Gang
Hope it doesn’t turn into "Seven Samurai" or the final of "Blake’s 7"
Got to love someone who remembers Blake’s 7…
Avon was always my favourite, sad to read he died last year
Why is she called Roberta when her name is Perendelee?
Check her name tag
The fact that Obscuria mentioned "Perendelee" in the question indicates that they did in fact read the name tag, NotRichard. The question was "why" does she have "Roberta" as a nickname. A question which has an answer, but has not been answered in the strip itself. You’re a little trigger happy with the snappy answers.
The answer, Obscuria, lies in Roberta/Perendelee’s past which I’ve not covered in YAFGC yet. When she went out adventuring among the big folk she adopted herself a more Human sounding name to fit in better. There’s more to it, but I’m not able to go into it more at this moment.
Was implying that was her nickname (or at least her Adventuring Days Name), and that it has been part of her tag since the beginning
Maybe your untold tale will explain why he looks shocked to see her alive, while she looks happy (one or the other was possibly left behind, believed dead or captured)
Thanks for the answer!
I do hope we’ll get a few more flashbacks of her past, then.
Could be her middle name. Or a fake name she used outside the Shire.
Yup, Rich Morris has confirmed the latter one’s what it is. Was just wondering because in Clover’s background story, she used to be called "Perry" when she was younger.
Yeah, went back to that story and even back then "Roberta" was part of her name-tag
That’s because they’re universal. When I change a name-tag it changes it for the whole comic, not just the individual strips.
Sorry, didn’t know it was retro active, or when the tag got changed (just remember seeing "Roberta" as part of her name for a long time)
‘Grrl Power’ has different tags so as to avoid spoilers (they have a Character Tag, and an Archive Tag)
There’s my hobbit!
Suddenly HOBBITS!!! With their orcy companion.
Cadugan’s hobbit half-sister & her gang joined forces.
Now that you mention it, I wonder how long will it take them to realise they are siblings… At least, even if they do know about each other, I don’t think its likely they have met in the last 20 or so years…
Another loose end is a group of formerly dead guardsmen sworn to the service of a half-orc princess’ decedent, & here’s some hobbits with a half-orc girl of unexplained origins. Hum?
That was a hundred and fifty years ago. It would be more than a little strange for her descendant to also be a half-orc.
I’m trying to figure out if this is just happening at mile marker 50 or if there’s a crossroads nearby. (and if there is, watch out for demons offering assistance)
They seem to be traveling in opposite direction actually.
Could be like Glon’s group and Lucas’ group: simply coming _from_ a different direction
What I find is a neat touch which many might not have noticed is Stonefoot’s steed. A mountain goat. So now we have the commanders riding two huge wolves, a standard horse, and a billy goat. And all well disciplined enough to accept the others.
Heh… a "Riding Sheep" from World of Warcraft.
Nice little Easter Egg
Urzal always makes me smile in these group shots. Tallest halfling ever.
With all these reunions, I am very much looking forward to what’s in store for strip 3300.