Wait. I just realized something. Flannet referred to Lucas as her son-in-law. Does that mean that the curse will go after him? Or more interestingly, as she holds the title of baroness of greyfort that Lucas is free to marry whom he pleases? Or maybe the magic drain will destroy the curse?
Considering how quickly did the curse kick in after Flannet got the title of Baroness, I would assume, that Lucas has been free from it since he became Duke.
Yes, that was the reasoning behind him being ‘promoted’ to Duke, to bypass the whole ‘spouse of the Baron’ wording (and it would have been Cadugan who ended up flambe’d, not Lucas)
I don’t think he was promoted to Duke to avoid the curse but kind of the opposite. Being promoted to Duke (for his actions against the Undead invasion) allowed him to sidestep the curse I believe.
Yeah, didn’t mean to imply that that was the _only_ reason, just that by becoming a Duke, he (and Cadugan) were spared the curse that affected the spouse of the _Baron_
He was also the one instrumental in holding the peace when there was no King
??? You didn’t just /IMPLY/ that that was /THE/ reason that Lucas was made a Duke, you outright /SAID/ it. And I quote:
"Yes, that was the reasoning behind him being ‘promoted’ to Duke, to bypass the whole ‘spouse of the Baron’ wording…"
Let’s not try to squirm out of the possibility that you were dead wrong. Let’s either admit that yes, you were dead wrong, or just be quiet about it. Because you were DEAD WRONG, Guesticus.
What the hell have I ever done to you to make you hate me so much?
Yes, the reason he was promoted to Duke was to avoid the Baronial Spouse curse. He still _earned_ the promotion due to his performance in service to the King and Kingdom
Sounds like an invitation for a reposting of The List. I’ll try to take the time to compose one at work today. But it’ll either start or end with the fact that I banned your [pain-in-my] ass and you worked the system to come back with your name changed and thought nobody would notice.
If I recall correctly, the curse was not widely known, and the other nobility of the kingdom, and the new King had no idea he was cursed. In fact, when he became Baron, after his adoptive father’s death, the ghosts informed him of the curse, which he had no idea of up until that point. He didn’t ask for the promotion, so no one involved with it coming about was aware of the curse, so the curse was NOT a factor. It was very fortuitous, and more then likely one of the reasons he married, but it wasn’t planned.
The King was aware of his OTHER curse, being a werewolf, but that also didn’t play a factor in his promotion.
It’s really, really hard to play the "not in bad faith" card, when one is blocked, knows oneself has been blocked, then circumvents it, then asks one’s host what the problem could be. I’m sorry, Guesticus, I tried, at length, to give you the benefit of the doubt, to maintain a culture of respect and patience, but I just can’t credit you with even a sincere attempt at goodwill here. You know you were shown the door. You returned. It doesn’t matter whether or not you understand why; you understand that you were shown the door, and you’ve chosen the play the "you can’t make me" card.
Unfortunate, and telling of your motivations. This is why I don’t like you — not that, I imagine, you care, and that’s fine. It’s not social gracelessness. It’s not even the unusual, and unfortunate, stubbornness and fixation upon self-vindication, though that doesn’t help much. It’s that your presence here isn’t really about YAFGC. It’s about you asserting your imagined "right" to be you, here, on your terms only, damn anyone else, our host especially, who takes issue with it. Your battle to express yourself and vindicate your way of expressing yourself, warts and all, isn’t about enriching YAFGC. It’s about you, and when someone points out that you’ve got facts wrong or you’re barking up the wrong tree logically, you fixate on the "wound" of being called out for it, as evidenced above.
Listening to you textually "mark your territory" over and over again, and then lick your wounds publicly when someone takes issue, doesn’t help others enjoy YAFGC. It’s a distraction from YAFGC, and in this admittedly just-one-guy’s estimation, you have decided that "defending yourself" (that is, attacking any comment to you that triggers feelings of shame or unwelcome) is more important than being considerate of the entire purpose to this website: to appreciate YAFGC and focus on YAFGC. It would have been so easy to simply say "Oh, yeah, I guess I missed that" or "Yep, you’re right, sorry!" to the technical corrections, or if that was too much, just plain not responding. But you crave vindication, Guesticus. You can’t bear to just take the criticism on the chin and move on gracefully.
This is a huge part of why I don’t really like you. I didn’t care for the "you’re what’s wrong with fandom these days" comments. I didn’t care for being called out at the start of The Little Librarian. But y’know…I can get along with those folks, and respect that they’re here for Rich, and for YAFGC, and let their issues with me be personal/ideological, and at the end of the day, be fine with that. You? I can’t credit you with that degree of sincerity, that degree of ideological conviction. I can respect a person who thinks I’m really wrong. I can respect a person who thinks I’m a jerk. I tried to extend the same respect and patience to you, and to be frank, I fear my more charitable attempts to read you were overly optimistic.
Let me just note for the record, Rich, that if tomorrow, I found I had to register for an account to comment here, I wouldn’t complain a bit. I love YAFGC, and anything that helps us focus on you, and YAFGC, is the right move in my book.
Sorry about that, I did not phrase that well, and I seem to have lost a chunk of sentence somewhere there. The second paragraph was meant to indicate that while the King knew of his other curse (later), it did not play a role in his ‘promotion’, as it happened much later. That is what I get for posting while tired. But thank you for the confirmation of the time-line there.
Am I imagining things, or do I vaguely recall there being a time-line post at one point showing what story arcs happened when? If so, could someone link me to it? If not, then never mind, just wishful thinking on my part.
Ohhh, okay, no prob. Yeah I think I did post a bit of a timeline somewhere. Can’t remember where it is in the posted strip mind you. I can probably post an updated one somewhere.
I thought the curse only worked on the Wife of the ruler? Like, didn’t Lucas’s dad’s ghost give him a wink and a nudge about it being clever or something?
Bets are taken now: What is panel 3 and why is it "fateful"?
– recognition from an earlier meeting
– love at first sight (well, the kid variant)
– instantaneous hatred / rivalry
– "Sweet, someone my age! Let’s go stir up some shit!"
– "Nice haircut."
Well, a lot of characters have died in this story. Both Charley and Louis are rather headstrong, eager to prove themselves (as seen with Charles before and with Louis defiance against the mistresses) – in my opinion.
I certainly hope not though ^^
Interesting…something don’t feel right…
You noticed that as well?
This is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.
Wait. I just realized something. Flannet referred to Lucas as her son-in-law. Does that mean that the curse will go after him? Or more interestingly, as she holds the title of baroness of greyfort that Lucas is free to marry whom he pleases? Or maybe the magic drain will destroy the curse?
Considering how quickly did the curse kick in after Flannet got the title of Baroness, I would assume, that Lucas has been free from it since he became Duke.
Yes, that was the reasoning behind him being ‘promoted’ to Duke, to bypass the whole ‘spouse of the Baron’ wording (and it would have been Cadugan who ended up flambe’d, not Lucas)
So, Lucas was promoted to Duke to avoid the curse? Are you sure you’re reading the same strip I’m writing?
I do not think it means what they think it means…
anyone want a peanut?
I don’t think he was promoted to Duke to avoid the curse but kind of the opposite. Being promoted to Duke (for his actions against the Undead invasion) allowed him to sidestep the curse I believe.
Yeah, didn’t mean to imply that that was the _only_ reason, just that by becoming a Duke, he (and Cadugan) were spared the curse that affected the spouse of the _Baron_
He was also the one instrumental in holding the peace when there was no King
??? You didn’t just /IMPLY/ that that was /THE/ reason that Lucas was made a Duke, you outright /SAID/ it. And I quote:
"Yes, that was the reasoning behind him being ‘promoted’ to Duke, to bypass the whole ‘spouse of the Baron’ wording…"
Let’s not try to squirm out of the possibility that you were dead wrong. Let’s either admit that yes, you were dead wrong, or just be quiet about it. Because you were DEAD WRONG, Guesticus.
What the hell have I ever done to you to make you hate me so much?
Yes, the reason he was promoted to Duke was to avoid the Baronial Spouse curse. He still _earned_ the promotion due to his performance in service to the King and Kingdom
Sounds like an invitation for a reposting of The List. I’ll try to take the time to compose one at work today. But it’ll either start or end with the fact that I banned your [pain-in-my] ass and you worked the system to come back with your name changed and thought nobody would notice.
Sorry. I was too busy and in too good a mood to waste time thinking about why I hate Guesticus.
I haven’t reread that exact storyline in a bit but I’m pretty sure that the curse wasn’t even a factor in the promotion.
In that case, I will admit I was wrong, was sure that being made a Duke was at least _in part_ to avoid the curse
"What’s that? Definite proof that I was dead wrong? Okay fine I was a little bit wrong. But I wasn’t entirely wrong."
I’ll make sure this sort of behaviour makes it to The List, okay Guesticus?
If I recall correctly, the curse was not widely known, and the other nobility of the kingdom, and the new King had no idea he was cursed. In fact, when he became Baron, after his adoptive father’s death, the ghosts informed him of the curse, which he had no idea of up until that point. He didn’t ask for the promotion, so no one involved with it coming about was aware of the curse, so the curse was NOT a factor. It was very fortuitous, and more then likely one of the reasons he married, but it wasn’t planned.
The King was aware of his OTHER curse, being a werewolf, but that also didn’t play a factor in his promotion.
‘Fraid that’s not true. The King was not aware of his lycanthropy curse because his ‘promotion’ to Duke happened long before the werewolf story.
> Sounds like an invitation for a reposting of The List.
And for me to repost this link:
It’s really, really hard to play the "not in bad faith" card, when one is blocked, knows oneself has been blocked, then circumvents it, then asks one’s host what the problem could be. I’m sorry, Guesticus, I tried, at length, to give you the benefit of the doubt, to maintain a culture of respect and patience, but I just can’t credit you with even a sincere attempt at goodwill here. You know you were shown the door. You returned. It doesn’t matter whether or not you understand why; you understand that you were shown the door, and you’ve chosen the play the "you can’t make me" card.
Unfortunate, and telling of your motivations. This is why I don’t like you — not that, I imagine, you care, and that’s fine. It’s not social gracelessness. It’s not even the unusual, and unfortunate, stubbornness and fixation upon self-vindication, though that doesn’t help much. It’s that your presence here isn’t really about YAFGC. It’s about you asserting your imagined "right" to be you, here, on your terms only, damn anyone else, our host especially, who takes issue with it. Your battle to express yourself and vindicate your way of expressing yourself, warts and all, isn’t about enriching YAFGC. It’s about you, and when someone points out that you’ve got facts wrong or you’re barking up the wrong tree logically, you fixate on the "wound" of being called out for it, as evidenced above.
Listening to you textually "mark your territory" over and over again, and then lick your wounds publicly when someone takes issue, doesn’t help others enjoy YAFGC. It’s a distraction from YAFGC, and in this admittedly just-one-guy’s estimation, you have decided that "defending yourself" (that is, attacking any comment to you that triggers feelings of shame or unwelcome) is more important than being considerate of the entire purpose to this website: to appreciate YAFGC and focus on YAFGC. It would have been so easy to simply say "Oh, yeah, I guess I missed that" or "Yep, you’re right, sorry!" to the technical corrections, or if that was too much, just plain not responding. But you crave vindication, Guesticus. You can’t bear to just take the criticism on the chin and move on gracefully.
This is a huge part of why I don’t really like you. I didn’t care for the "you’re what’s wrong with fandom these days" comments. I didn’t care for being called out at the start of The Little Librarian. But y’know…I can get along with those folks, and respect that they’re here for Rich, and for YAFGC, and let their issues with me be personal/ideological, and at the end of the day, be fine with that. You? I can’t credit you with that degree of sincerity, that degree of ideological conviction. I can respect a person who thinks I’m really wrong. I can respect a person who thinks I’m a jerk. I tried to extend the same respect and patience to you, and to be frank, I fear my more charitable attempts to read you were overly optimistic.
Let me just note for the record, Rich, that if tomorrow, I found I had to register for an account to comment here, I wouldn’t complain a bit. I love YAFGC, and anything that helps us focus on you, and YAFGC, is the right move in my book.
Sorry about that, I did not phrase that well, and I seem to have lost a chunk of sentence somewhere there. The second paragraph was meant to indicate that while the King knew of his other curse (later), it did not play a role in his ‘promotion’, as it happened much later. That is what I get for posting while tired. But thank you for the confirmation of the time-line there.
Am I imagining things, or do I vaguely recall there being a time-line post at one point showing what story arcs happened when? If so, could someone link me to it? If not, then never mind, just wishful thinking on my part.
Ohhh, okay, no prob. Yeah I think I did post a bit of a timeline somewhere. Can’t remember where it is in the posted strip mind you. I can probably post an updated one somewhere.
I thought the curse only worked on the Wife of the ruler? Like, didn’t Lucas’s dad’s ghost give him a wink and a nudge about it being clever or something?
No, the spouse, that’s why Niko ended up roast wolf
Yessssss, time for chaos. Children destroying rannites. Absolute nonsense time.
Almost could be brothers, eh…
I thought Flannet was a bit more advanced in years…I did not know she still had a younger son.
We met Charles some time, it was _he_ who rescued everyone after they were captured by the Hyeesa (the Hyena girl)
I think Charles is somewhere between 10 and 12 years old; Flannet could have had him in her early fourties – makes absolutely sense.
He does.
He does say that.
Bets are taken now: What is panel 3 and why is it "fateful"?
– recognition from an earlier meeting
– love at first sight (well, the kid variant)
– instantaneous hatred / rivalry
– "Sweet, someone my age! Let’s go stir up some shit!"
– "Nice haircut."
My money’s one a pair of famous adventurers/heroes/villains in the future, and this is their first meeting.
"Hold that pose for one panel, kids. History wants to get a photo of this."
Rich had a better time of that than the court painter for Eric II: https://www.yafgc.net/comic/3276-portrait-of-oh-yeah/
Though, on thinking about it, Rich, do you have any outtakes for this strip of Louis and Charles shaking hands?
A dynamic duo that will rock the world with absolute nonsense adventures. The future hardy boys of mischief.
It occurs to me that the title of this arc does not specify WHICH boy…
That’s what we get for letting the Orcale of Delphi title the strips…
With that smile on Charles, I’m plumping for mischief-making by the two as friends, and i hope so, not to be right, but so both have fun and a friend
Yes, that would be great!
I agree, both of them could really use a friend of a similar age.
Just thought of https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Louis_XVII_of_France
(Louis Charles) ^^
o.O Does that mean they will die prematurely and gruesomely because of something that isn’t their fault?
Well, a lot of characters have died in this story. Both Charley and Louis are rather headstrong, eager to prove themselves (as seen with Charles before and with Louis defiance against the mistresses) – in my opinion.
I certainly hope not though ^^