3336 Phoenix
on May 6, 2020
Chapter: Ranna's Fulcrum
Characters: Arnora, Eddy the Mage, Edrumore, Helen DiPhoenix, Lord Lewstrom VII King of the Undead "Lewie the Lich", Naomi Phoenix, Slissy the Warlock
Location: Ch'Thier's Celestial Tomb
Careful with that thing, Naomi. Do we need Lewie to recite from the Evil Overlord List?
"Never consume an energy field bigger than your head."
Though, come to think of it, it’s just about the size of Ch’Thier’s head…
Are they trying to bring Ch’Thier back into the game? Like the whole army and war thing is just one big distraction so they can get Godly in the background.
Okay, I’m sorry, but I really need to ask. What happened with Slissybus? Did she join Ranna? We haven’t seen her since the adventurers escaped Ranna’s tomb with the hand. It was mentioned that she’s roaming the world, but I could see her poking her nose into this. There are far too many interesting things going on.
She’s there in the first panel; her back is to the fourth wall. I’m actually more curious to know where her pet succubus is, and if she ever developed further as a personality. It could be interesting if she turned out to have fallen in love with the paladin or something.
Thats Slissy on the picture. Slissybus is her pet succubus. 🙂
Wild Theory: Remember the lurking figure who was spying on Ranna in the Afterlife, the one Ranna didn’t recognise. Everyone thought it might be a lurking Arachne… what if it’s actually Slissybus. Deciding to recon where the magic and gods were disappearing to to inform Slissy…
She would have the ability to plane shift/gate.
No, they were two different individuals (fairly sure)
Wow, you can tell the difference from this
Jean Grey, eat your heart out!
Wake up call for one Ms Ch’Thier!
Well,*that* doesn’t get her out of bed, try sticking her hand in a bowl of warm water
Hopefully this goes better than the X-men’s Phoenix 😛
Looking forwards to Ranna’s “Oh crap” face.
I can’t be the only one who sees Lewie and shouts, "YES! Go, Lewie, go!"
And that’s kind of amazing.
Not only that I *want* him to succeed, but trust that he *can*.
He started this comic as a gardener of dubious reliability who couldn’t get a second date.
I think it were his curses, that made him fail again and agian, and I think they are temporalry disabled. Wasn’t it foretold, that they will hunt him only if he strides on the path of evil? Ever since he reunited with his sister, he behaves more and more good. Shouldn’t that also mean, that now he manages to do, what he wants?
TRhat…that….Yeaah that’s gonna hit like a sack of angry badgers
Angry WET badgers.
With a few honey Badgers mixed in who don’t have a crap about what’s thrown at them..
Is one of them a *were* honey badger?
Earth-Shattering Kaboom, Spirit Bomb–I’m running out of nerd analogies for this!
Considering everything seems still intact, I’ll cheerfully conceded ESB was unneeded hyperbole. 😀
Fingers crossed that it works.
I’ve always enjoyed Rich’s sense of scale, perspective and movement. Like the 2nd panel. It’s like he’s thinking 3D chess and putting it on a 2D panel. Great stuff, most appreciated. Don’t say it enough.