In our world, humans evolved from apes and not monkeys. This difference may explain why evolution in their world split into so many other humanoid & demi-human races.
Yeah, in our world, apes emerged as a subclass of Old World Monkeys around 20 or 30 million years ago, and hominids as a subclass of apes about 5 million years ago.
Falahn and her colleagues seem to have sped the process up considerably in the YAFGC world.
There is no reason why the evolution of modern humans from ancestral forms would occur at the same rate in a fantasy world the presence of magic indicates there are slightly different laws of physics – so why not biology too- plus there are more evolutionary pressures from ‘monster’ species – plus natural magic would perhaps also impact the genepool
Monkey in panel 4, to their fellow monkeys: "You know those tall, nearly bald pointy-eared creatures? They’re getting smarter. I hypothesize that they can be trained to carry us around, feed us, fuss over us, and play us music."
Okay so… I had to look up 8-Bit Theater. I know it’s a webcomic but I never read it. When I found a description of Thief, I could find no connection whatsoever with this storyline. I’ll just have to assume that I’ve somehow come up with a world backstory that is similar to what was written for that comic.
Monkey see, monkey dance.
I see the main reason there wasn’t much progress in those two millions of years was there were no humans. Elves are known to became stagnant easily …
Curious George?
They do look like Curious George, but they’re actually based on my kids’ stuffies.
I’m sure I’ve seen the same (or similar) toy
Yes! Thank you!
I *knew* they looked familiar.
The Proto-Hobbit is adorable!
From monkeys, humans weren’t the only creatures that evolved.
In our world, humans evolved from apes and not monkeys. This difference may explain why evolution in their world split into so many other humanoid & demi-human races.
Or, it could be the direct (or indirect) ‘influence’ of the Teachers, molding and shaping, not only their minds, but their form as well
I think it’s generally accepted that apes came from something akin to monkeys themselves.
Yeah, in our world, apes emerged as a subclass of Old World Monkeys around 20 or 30 million years ago, and hominids as a subclass of apes about 5 million years ago.
Falahn and her colleagues seem to have sped the process up considerably in the YAFGC world.
There is no reason why the evolution of modern humans from ancestral forms would occur at the same rate in a fantasy world the presence of magic indicates there are slightly different laws of physics – so why not biology too- plus there are more evolutionary pressures from ‘monster’ species – plus natural magic would perhaps also impact the genepool
Monkey in panel 4, to their fellow monkeys: "You know those tall, nearly bald pointy-eared creatures? They’re getting smarter. I hypothesize that they can be trained to carry us around, feed us, fuss over us, and play us music."
That’s what cats are probably saying these days ?
True. Cats were probably next in the chain.
"You know those monkeys who have been hanging around the tall, pointy-eared bipeds lately? I hypothesize that they can be trained…"
"Here we come, swingin’ through the trees, we get the funniest looks from every elf we meet!…"
"Hey, hey! Homo sapiens!
The elves think we’re playing around
We’re too busy evolving
To tell them they’ve got it wrong…"
Well done, Fang FanGirl!
Aw, thanks T-Chall!
I think my favorite Pooka is rubbing off on me.
Have some brownies
You’re most welcome, Fang FanGirl. You would make a terrific Pooka!
Mmmmm, brownies! Thank you! [wagwagwagwagwagwag]
oh wow. That’s high praise! Thank you!
*slips you more brownies*
It is somehow appropriate that a song from the Monkees was adapted for this.
Not matters how you evolutionate. All loves music
This creation myth sounds kinda familiar… I have discovered your true identity, Rich! You are Thief from 8-Bit Theater!
Okay so… I had to look up 8-Bit Theater. I know it’s a webcomic but I never read it. When I found a description of Thief, I could find no connection whatsoever with this storyline. I’ll just have to assume that I’ve somehow come up with a world backstory that is similar to what was written for that comic.
That’s how he sees humans: like mere monkeys who ape the civilization of glorious elves; he also thinks that elves are superior to even human gods.
Well, like tolkien
And later Warhammer set where the elfs lives because someone don’t pick the idea ;P
> I had to look up 8-Bit Theater.
You were lucky all this time. It is AWFUL.
So any idea how humans are able to schtupp elves and produce viable offsprings?
How do you think these monkeys lost their tail and most of their body hair in the first place?
Green aliens named after musical instruments
Just sayin’ *shrug*
… What?
DragonBall Z joke
And so it was revealed that human evolution was mostly due to ‘Elf help’
(I’ll get my coat !)
They were doing it for their mental ‘elf.
So, were the Drow doing it for the Lolth’s?
Eh, it seemed funny at the time
Damn, tiny little chimps to humans in just two million years? That's some fast evolution.