On a second thought… I wouldn’t close out the option, that Kurassa is still linked to the spell when it is launched, and ends up with Ranna in that pocket realm.
I can picture him thinking: " And I thought being stuck in the mirror was annoying…"
My vivid imagination has the next scene as Fang runs out from between his legs, Kur has a What the heck? moment then pure surprise as Jone’s blade comes crashing down through his shoulder and chest as she rolled a 1 treying to decapitate my darling Cap’n… But that’s just me.
The way Kurassa’s left eye is bulging from the socket, and how the bone’s protruding from all the power he’s mainlining, he looks like he’s attempting to achieve lich/undead status by sheer force of will.
Sorry, Kurassa, you’re no (The Lich Lord Formerly Known As) Lewistrom.
And you’re no Acererak, either. (Classic reference!)
Looks like it’s up to you, Fatinah. Show us some of that clever lateral thinking rogues are famous for!
Looking at his clothes, I’m not sure it will be needed. As others pointed it out before, he is totally ignoring the Rule 22 of the Evil Overlord List…
Never absorb an energy field bigger than your head.
And I didn’t even need to look it up.
I don’t know whether to be proud or sad…
Be proud about it, too many people get the numbering wrong.
On a second thought… I wouldn’t close out the option, that Kurassa is still linked to the spell when it is launched, and ends up with Ranna in that pocket realm.
I can picture him thinking: " And I thought being stuck in the mirror was annoying…"
So, BK made it back in time to get a blast to the face?
What they need to do, is pour that energy down Kur’s face and watch him explode like a bloated tick, then continue where they left off
Kurassa should have red the "Evil Overlord List" : "I will never consume any energy field larger than my head."
Oh dear. He seems to have triggered his self-destruct sequence.
Ehmm… Are Kurassa a little ill?
It’s like he was a really Ranna’s believer and he want to give her life (and the rest) to her victory.
Yeah, nah, the only thing Kur believed in, was his on ego (and even then he would stab it in the back to further his own goals)
He’s gonna be a skeleton after this…
We need a new lych like character
Well Lewie may need a rival…
Kurassa, I think it’s safe to say that absorbing all that magical energy is going to blow your tiny mind.
Several hundred thousand amps of magic, and the mortal body is the flimsiest of fifteen-amp breakers.
What do breakers do? *Break*…
Taking bets now that before Kurassa blows up he’s going to steal a line from He-Man. "I have the power!" KABOOOOOOM!
[Hey, Marvin the Martian, there’s your earth-shattering kaboom!]
Oh, Kurassa, my dear, sad little underengineered meat-capacitor, you do not, in point of fact, actually "have the power."
Rather, the power has *you*.
Good luck!
In the concert industry, we have a saying, "everything is a smoke machine if used wrong enough."
That saying is AWEsome.
And hilariously a propos!
At least Fatinah survived that earlier blast.
Kurassa, you seem to have never learned of the concept of Manaburn.
Oh, please let the next panel be a blade coming out the front of his chest
Or a sudden reappearance by the Sheriff from “Cowboys and Crossovers” with his pistol drawn and firing.
My vivid imagination has the next scene as Fang runs out from between his legs, Kur has a What the heck? moment then pure surprise as Jone’s blade comes crashing down through his shoulder and chest as she rolled a 1 treying to decapitate my darling Cap’n… But that’s just me.
Have a cookie
I was offering cookies after my little… bloody thirsty heart got exposed…
Rich 1 day you must show us the size comparison of the giant monsters.
But then you’d see how wildly inconsistent I am!
Thought it was consistent that they were as big as the scene required them to be
When gods are involved, everything becomes the Size of Plot. This is still an age where beliefs matter more than uncaring physics.
Somehow, I expect there to be a small pffffft instead of a big ka-boom.
That there is the face of someone who thinks they are making a wise decision.
In the words of Sir Terry Pratchett, "Kick ‘im inna fork girl!"
Suddenly CPT Fang jumps on his head and Jone slams her sword down splitting Kurassa in twain….
Just kick him in the balls.
"What a grand and intoxicating innocence! Shame on you sweet nerevar."
I don’t think anyone has ever survived after saying the words "you can’t kill me, I am a god."
I am going to miss Kurassa. Oh wait, no I’m not.
Need to aim better
I am going to miss Kurassa but then I always miss at this range
The way Kurassa’s left eye is bulging from the socket, and how the bone’s protruding from all the power he’s mainlining, he looks like he’s attempting to achieve lich/undead status by sheer force of will.
Sorry, Kurassa, you’re no (The Lich Lord Formerly Known As) Lewistrom.
And you’re no Acererak, either. (Classic reference!)
I really appreciate those first four panels!
All kinds of characters lined up against her on this battlefield, so it’s a great reminder.
Plus, of course, it shows that none of them are winning…
I like the LongCat pose in the first panel.