We last saw Vanessa in the Temple with the other spellcasters a couple minutes before the trap sprung, I think…though I suppose it’s not impossible that she stepped through the portal to the Osprey on some urgent business.
Adina and Vachiritei, though, were down on the battlefield with Safana’s crew. So I think it’s clear that enough time has elapsed for the Osprey and Temple crews to rejoin the main battlefield crowd.
Which is good news on the balance. It seems to imply that the Temple passengers are more or less all right, though in cases like Vanessa’s not untraumatized, and that the opposing armies did NOT resume trying to murder each other the moment they woke up. Where there’s life, there’s hope, as they say.
* Disclaimer: the above trite saying may not help poor Fatinah. *
They probably have SOME magic. Unless all their healing magic specifically was coming from Ch’thier. However they wouldn’t have enough magic to resurrect dead. Or raise dead.
Can priests be priests of a principle, rather than priests of a deity personifying that principle? It won’t help with the loss of an (sometimes marginally) anthropomorphic person they can relate to on an emotional basis, but pursuing the same purpose might help to overcome their loss.
Each coming to grips with the loss at their own pace, I imagine that’s the conclusion that many or most of Ch’Thier’s priests will eventually reach. "I didn’t follow Ch’Thier because she granted me power; I followed her because I believed in what she stood for. That hasn’t changed, and I’ll go on working to serve and uplift others and to keep my Goddess’s teachings alive in the world."
They probably won’t keep much, if any, magical mojo…but then again, neither will anyone else. They might still be the best healers around, through a combination of mundane acumen and residual magic. Rich will likely show us soon enough what the various caster types are still capable of.
I suspect many will, but some may make C’Thier into a martyr who died to free her followers, or an Arthurian /Eric of Dostardy sort of savior who will return when the need is greatest. Maybe Rich will give us a view of the intervening centuries, between now and the broadcast from the archaeological dig at Black Mountain Crater, with religious schisms mixed with gaslight fantasy.
Well, in modern D&D exits that posibility, the bad about that is Richard has said many times he uses D&D like far for the basics but isn’t the base of her strips and comic so…
> An inadvertent "class change" to Secular Humanist just doesn’t seem right, does it?
It doesn’t, but at the same time their beliefs are based less on faith than they are on witnessing their gods firsthand. What happens when you *know* your deity is gone?
I’m trying to remember if Vachiritei has ever met Kassim, or if in panel 4 she’s just running around looking for anyone who answers to his name.
In the last panel, of course, she knows in an instant that he’s Adina’s brother. Not because of their physical resemblance (all foreigners look the same to her (specifically, they all look like Omar (snazzy moustache and all (even Adina has one)))). But because the universe has dealt him a heartwrenching situation that he has no way to fix…
Interesting question.
What I do is I have a template of a standard letter-sized printer sheet – 8.5"x11" divided into 8 squares. It’s not exact because there are borders and I have spaces for the dates across the top and a page number at the bottom. I print these out en masse (I used to make a stack of about 12-24 at a time at a photocopier, but now that I’m using my own printer, I print off about 4-8 at a time). I simply draw in those with Col-Erase pencils (usually red, blue or purple) and then clean it up on top with a black (usually a B) pencil and scan them in.
For a single panel strip I’ll either do just one panel on the template and crop it out in Photoshop, or if it needs a lot of detail, I’ll draw on a blank piece of printer paper.
For 2 – 8 panel strips I use the template and just crop out what isn’t in the strip, and for more I’ll use as many templates and I need and then stitch them together in Photoshop.
I have a veritable LIBRARY in my home studio of ‘originals’ of YAFGC (and other comics I’ve done) in rows upon rows of binders full of these used templates tucked in clear plastic page protectors. It’s not a 100% complete collection because I’ve given a few of them away as gifts.
But yeah, 8.5"x11" inches, with each panel being (very roughly) about 2"x4".
Just like I did when I was 6, using a ruler to divide my doodle pads into 8 panels and drawing comics in them. Old habits die hard.
Were they in the Osprey or the temple?
Comic #3337 shows her in the Osprey, but I think there was some sort of magic portal connecting the magic users on the Osprey to those in the temple.
We last saw Vanessa in the Temple with the other spellcasters a couple minutes before the trap sprung, I think…though I suppose it’s not impossible that she stepped through the portal to the Osprey on some urgent business.
Adina and Vachiritei, though, were down on the battlefield with Safana’s crew. So I think it’s clear that enough time has elapsed for the Osprey and Temple crews to rejoin the main battlefield crowd.
Which is good news on the balance. It seems to imply that the Temple passengers are more or less all right, though in cases like Vanessa’s not untraumatized, and that the opposing armies did NOT resume trying to murder each other the moment they woke up. Where there’s life, there’s hope, as they say.
* Disclaimer: the above trite saying may not help poor Fatinah. *
I wonder how you put that on a Resume. "Goddess gone… looking for a new one!"
With no magic, there is no hope of healing Fatinah
At least she died free, and unafraid: she finally stood up to Kur
They probably have SOME magic. Unless all their healing magic specifically was coming from Ch’thier. However they wouldn’t have enough magic to resurrect dead. Or raise dead.
Can priests be priests of a principle, rather than priests of a deity personifying that principle? It won’t help with the loss of an (sometimes marginally) anthropomorphic person they can relate to on an emotional basis, but pursuing the same purpose might help to overcome their loss.
Each coming to grips with the loss at their own pace, I imagine that’s the conclusion that many or most of Ch’Thier’s priests will eventually reach. "I didn’t follow Ch’Thier because she granted me power; I followed her because I believed in what she stood for. That hasn’t changed, and I’ll go on working to serve and uplift others and to keep my Goddess’s teachings alive in the world."
They probably won’t keep much, if any, magical mojo…but then again, neither will anyone else. They might still be the best healers around, through a combination of mundane acumen and residual magic. Rich will likely show us soon enough what the various caster types are still capable of.
I suspect many will, but some may make C’Thier into a martyr who died to free her followers, or an Arthurian /Eric of Dostardy sort of savior who will return when the need is greatest. Maybe Rich will give us a view of the intervening centuries, between now and the broadcast from the archaeological dig at Black Mountain Crater, with religious schisms mixed with gaslight fantasy.
Well, in modern D&D exits that posibility, the bad about that is Richard has said many times he uses D&D like far for the basics but isn’t the base of her strips and comic so…
You mean a hippy?
An inadvertent "class change" to Secular Humanist just doesn’t seem right, does it?
Now I’m trying to figure out which deities are still around…certainly tips the heavenly/infernal scales of power, doesn’t it?
> An inadvertent "class change" to Secular Humanist just doesn’t seem right, does it?
It doesn’t, but at the same time their beliefs are based less on faith than they are on witnessing their gods firsthand. What happens when you *know* your deity is gone?
(well, I guess "shock" is one obvious answer)
I’m trying to remember if Vachiritei has ever met Kassim, or if in panel 4 she’s just running around looking for anyone who answers to his name.
In the last panel, of course, she knows in an instant that he’s Adina’s brother. Not because of their physical resemblance (all foreigners look the same to her (specifically, they all look like Omar (snazzy moustache and all (even Adina has one)))). But because the universe has dealt him a heartwrenching situation that he has no way to fix…
Hi, I was wondering what scale do you draw in, as in what is the approximate size of each panel on paper? I hope my question makes sense.
Interesting question.
What I do is I have a template of a standard letter-sized printer sheet – 8.5"x11" divided into 8 squares. It’s not exact because there are borders and I have spaces for the dates across the top and a page number at the bottom. I print these out en masse (I used to make a stack of about 12-24 at a time at a photocopier, but now that I’m using my own printer, I print off about 4-8 at a time). I simply draw in those with Col-Erase pencils (usually red, blue or purple) and then clean it up on top with a black (usually a B) pencil and scan them in.
For a single panel strip I’ll either do just one panel on the template and crop it out in Photoshop, or if it needs a lot of detail, I’ll draw on a blank piece of printer paper.
For 2 – 8 panel strips I use the template and just crop out what isn’t in the strip, and for more I’ll use as many templates and I need and then stitch them together in Photoshop.
I have a veritable LIBRARY in my home studio of ‘originals’ of YAFGC (and other comics I’ve done) in rows upon rows of binders full of these used templates tucked in clear plastic page protectors. It’s not a 100% complete collection because I’ve given a few of them away as gifts.
But yeah, 8.5"x11" inches, with each panel being (very roughly) about 2"x4".
Just like I did when I was 6, using a ruler to divide my doodle pads into 8 panels and drawing comics in them. Old habits die hard.