That’s exactly right. I just used Photoshop to shift the the other two Kingswords’ eyes (and Lexa’s mouth) and shifted Ajira’s eyebrows down just a touch. It makes a big, but subtle difference. Thank you Storyboarding for my learned lessons.
Rich – A question about the drawings for this episode from an ignorant person in the crowd.
Did you draw Captain Ajira, Lexa Dumas, and Sulaaf al’Shamshir once and use the same drawing for all four frames inserting Baz Hoggs in three and changing the eyes in one, or did you draw them for all four?
As stated above, I am clueless about the process of comic strip art.
Most of the time I draw all the panels individually on paper and only use photoshop to emphasize the dark lines and fade out the rough ones. But in a situation like this where the gag is repetitive imagery, the rough paper looks NOTHING like the final comic.
I drew the three Kingswords once in that first panel. The second and third panels only contain Baz. The 2nd panel contains Baz as he appears in the first panel, and the 3rd panel contains Baz as he appears in the 2nd panel.
In Photoshop I copy/pasted the Kingswords into all the panels and used Photoshop to alter the expressions just a touch. Then I copy/pasted Baz over top of them. The 3rd panel Baz is a repeat of the 1st panel Baz.
I’m not sure if that’s clarified anything at all….
The Baron, on the other hand, has little to no influence on the King’s personal troops 😉
The Baron does seem to appreciate outstanding soldiers when he sees them!
Yes, he appreciates them out, standing far from his barony
One soldier more…outstanding…than the other two!
I think I have my first suspect…
Because he noticed boobs? O_o
I think you’re going to narrow your suspect list down to a smaller demographic of the planetary population there. 😛
That look that passed between Captain Ajira and Baz Hoggs was more than "Oh, boobs. Cool." I’m pretty certain they’ve met before.
I think that the Baron and Lexa Dumas (she is the middle one, isn’t she?) known each other
Lexa is the tall one on the right. The middle one is Captain Ajira. But you’re right. Something happened there! 🙂
She gonna FUBAR Baz.
Beautiful subtle touch as Sulaaf and Lexa give a sideways look toward Captain Ajira. Well done, Rich.
In that last panel, I should have added.
Even more subtle, but likely just as meaningfull the changed expresson of Captain Ajira herself.
It seems like he changed only her eyebrows – but it made a significant difference!
That’s exactly right. I just used Photoshop to shift the the other two Kingswords’ eyes (and Lexa’s mouth) and shifted Ajira’s eyebrows down just a touch. It makes a big, but subtle difference. Thank you Storyboarding for my learned lessons.
I though it’s something else but then I realized he’s looking at her FACE.
Royal Authorised Ass Kicking Available.
Captain Ajira looks like she wants to punch someone at this point.
R.A.A.K and Roll is our specialty.
Arranged by height, they’re almost the Yippee, Yappee and Yahooey of this world.
I kinda had this little conversation going from the looks of Baz and Ajira towards each other
"You seem familiar, do I know you?
"Yes, I remember you."
"Oh?… Oh. OH!!! … Bye!!"
*Basket of cookies on your doorstep* I laughed hard at that
No, ‘I know my place’ jokes ?
Rich – A question about the drawings for this episode from an ignorant person in the crowd.
Did you draw Captain Ajira, Lexa Dumas, and Sulaaf al’Shamshir once and use the same drawing for all four frames inserting Baz Hoggs in three and changing the eyes in one, or did you draw them for all four?
As stated above, I am clueless about the process of comic strip art.
Most of the time I draw all the panels individually on paper and only use photoshop to emphasize the dark lines and fade out the rough ones. But in a situation like this where the gag is repetitive imagery, the rough paper looks NOTHING like the final comic.
I drew the three Kingswords once in that first panel. The second and third panels only contain Baz. The 2nd panel contains Baz as he appears in the first panel, and the 3rd panel contains Baz as he appears in the 2nd panel.
In Photoshop I copy/pasted the Kingswords into all the panels and used Photoshop to alter the expressions just a touch. Then I copy/pasted Baz over top of them. The 3rd panel Baz is a repeat of the 1st panel Baz.
I’m not sure if that’s clarified anything at all….
Here’s the rough drawing before I altered it:

That’s pretty impressive.