3459 The Gnu Turns
on June 7, 2021
Characters: Abbott Heigh, Cadugan, Captain Ajira, Captain Lilianne Carruthers, Lexa Dumas, Lucas Greyfort, Sulaaf al'Shamshir
Location: Abbey of St. Aldwin the Skilled
Oops, sorry I thought I uploaded this last night.
An exciting gnu development in the case.
There’s no Gnus like good Gnus.
I wonder how many people get that reference…
That’s a reference?
Oh. Gary Gnu. No fair having a catch phrase that’s also a very basic pun.
Ah, so Cadugan gets his payback after all
Around the table in the Hangar we’d have said he was
"grinning like a fox eating sh*t out of a wire brush"
Nobody knew where that expression came from
and nobody wanted to
Lucas, whispering to Cadugan: "What’s Gnu?!"
Cadugan: "Oh, not much. What’s Gnu with you?"
Lucas, blinks several times, then glares at Cadugan: "When we get home, I’m filing for a divorce!"
*winces and groans in pain* THAT joke alone made it worth waking up
T-Chall gnu you’d appreciate it.
Wait. Are you guys saying "gnu" is pronounced like "new"?
Ga-nooo, which is close enough…
Haha, no! The g is silent. It modifies the sound of the n slightly, like the way you say it in words like sing. It almost sounds like knew. If that makes a difference in your dialect.
My "dialect" is Russian, I didn’t know the word "sing" had a different "n", either ^^"
Thank you for the gnu info!
They pronounce it differently in Lifecross than they do in Hoggs.
It’s a real gnuisance.
Yeah, English is full of silent initial letters. Any word that starts in gn or kn, like "gnome" or "knowledge", you only pronounce the n. Any word that starts with ps, like "psychology", you only pronounce the s. And take the x. Normally it’s pronounced as "gz" if it’s followed by a vowel (like in "exercise"), or "ks" if it’s followed by a consonant (like in "exterior"); but if the word start with x, like in xylophone? Then it’s just z.
Don’t get me started on words that start with wh because "whole" is pronounced like "hole" and "while" is pronounced like "wile" and I can’t make sense of it. :p
I’ve never heard exercise pronounced like "egg-zer size" except when someone was telling egg puns.
…"gnome" is pronounced without the "g"?!! O_O
…and now that you know that, the Legend of Gnome Ann will make so much more sense!
Ahaha <D
Uhhh, i think there’s a slight error in the drawing in the last panel. Cadugan’s teeth and mouth should be much darker for the sht-eating grin he’s got
Lmaooooo that face, i love how expressive he is! So fitting for his personality
Carruthers is looking up and to the right while trying to remember.
Or she’s eyeing yet another precariously suspended harpsichord.
"Why do we even HAVE those?"
I love it.
So why doesn’t Lucas want to talk about Gnu?
Lucas *did* set himself up, inadvertently. for that.
Elves can afford to be patient…
I bet the kingswords get a lot of downtime and the ladies are gnu experts…
Absolutely not canon, but I like to think they’re already familiar with Tonk.
Have they found the smoking gnu yet?
You have just inspired a future strip title.
"Send lawyers, gnus, and money…"
"So, what are exactly the rules?"
"Oh, I thought you Gnu!"
Good luck understanding the rules. I’m betting they were written by Alfred E. Gnuman.
A Gnu development in the case?
Well, the new leads on the case can be sorted by gnu