Ok, this is where I wish the related comics were actually related, because I can’t remember that sensitivity and it looks like he’s referencing something he doesn’t want to talk about.
Lucas was forcibly infected with lycanthropy many years ago. He is slightly ashamed of the curse, but as we can see has managed to live well with it for a while now.
Well… I don’t know how much he is ashamed of it, but I do know that most people would approach him quite differently if they knew he is a werewolf. That is surely reason enough not to talk about it…
Thank you! I had been really wanting an answer on that topic!
Sort of cool, really, that he can use the presence, or lack, of his enhanced senses (I assume that is the part that he is using) to help him detect magic. It also explains why he was not showing any inclination to use scent or such in the course of the investigation. I imagine it is strange, unsettling, and yet refreshing for him to be reverted to his previous human senses. That abbey would be a great place for a lycanthrope that was having problems around that time of the moon to take a vacation.
I also like that, in that one brief exchange, you also answered whether he still had the curse in the new lower magic world.
Also, awwww… I love Cadugan’s expression in the last few panels, and his hand on his husband’s shoulder.
This is into my specialist subject. I’m a Sound Engineer with a degree, and part of the studies in my second year was being able to draw the human ear, outer and inner. We also had to draw, by comparison, the inner ear of a dog, a descendant of wolves.
Within the inner ear, are numerous tiny hairs that pick up on the spectrum of frequencies we can hear, in a human it tops out at around 20,000Hz (as high as 23,000Hz but I’ve never seen anyone go that high) but as we age, the weaker hairs, at the top end of the spectrum break off and our hearing deteriorates as we age. Same reason that the Mosquito crowd disperser that some Fast Food joints have outside stop teenagers gathering but not adults.
In a dog, that figure goes to around 45,000Hz and again, deteriorates as they age. Similar figures would be found in a wolf and more likely a Werewolf like our much loved Duke. He may be aware of the noise but as he’s aged in the course of the comic, it’s probably at the range that he’s aware of the frequency but at the same time, it doesn’t cause him any pain. Which a mouse who isn’t deaf would be.
Apologies for the wall of jargon, but I love an opportunity to nerd out.
Nothing makes me happier than someone feeling free to nerd out about something that came up in one of these comics. Especially when it’s something that was either accurate or totally wrong about the storyline! Thank you!!! The more you teach, the more I learn, the better these stories can get and the smarter I feel!
A good place then to stay during those days of the month
Oh. Yes. That particular sensitivity.
Good Lord and Lady, I had forgotten about *THAT*! (It was only HOW many years ago?)
Ah, that answers a few questions.
I love Cadugan’s hand on Panel 6.
A question that had been doggedly nagging at me now answered! I just hadn’t really asked because as soon as these strips come out, I wolf them down.
Now to sniff out the real culprit!
It was doggedly nagging at me as well, and I was doggedly asking about it in the comments repeatedly.
I am very glad to have an answer now.
Ok, this is where I wish the related comics were actually related, because I can’t remember that sensitivity and it looks like he’s referencing something he doesn’t want to talk about.
Lucas was forcibly infected with lycanthropy many years ago. He is slightly ashamed of the curse, but as we can see has managed to live well with it for a while now.
Well… I don’t know how much he is ashamed of it, but I do know that most people would approach him quite differently if they knew he is a werewolf. That is surely reason enough not to talk about it…
That storyline begins here:
Um, not really. It begins here:
After a bit of a wild-chicken-chase. (Warning, may lead to deep archive diving.)
I’ve whiled away many hours at least twice re-reading the entire archive. It’ll devour time swiftly if one isn’t careful.
Oh, crap – you’re right.
I misremembered that one pretty badly.
Thanks everyone for the answers. I’m afraid I won’t heed the warning and dive deep now. XD
That is wise.
Thank you! I had been really wanting an answer on that topic!
Sort of cool, really, that he can use the presence, or lack, of his enhanced senses (I assume that is the part that he is using) to help him detect magic. It also explains why he was not showing any inclination to use scent or such in the course of the investigation. I imagine it is strange, unsettling, and yet refreshing for him to be reverted to his previous human senses. That abbey would be a great place for a lycanthrope that was having problems around that time of the moon to take a vacation.
I also like that, in that one brief exchange, you also answered whether he still had the curse in the new lower magic world.
Also, awwww… I love Cadugan’s expression in the last few panels, and his hand on his husband’s shoulder.
This is into my specialist subject. I’m a Sound Engineer with a degree, and part of the studies in my second year was being able to draw the human ear, outer and inner. We also had to draw, by comparison, the inner ear of a dog, a descendant of wolves.
Within the inner ear, are numerous tiny hairs that pick up on the spectrum of frequencies we can hear, in a human it tops out at around 20,000Hz (as high as 23,000Hz but I’ve never seen anyone go that high) but as we age, the weaker hairs, at the top end of the spectrum break off and our hearing deteriorates as we age. Same reason that the Mosquito crowd disperser that some Fast Food joints have outside stop teenagers gathering but not adults.
In a dog, that figure goes to around 45,000Hz and again, deteriorates as they age. Similar figures would be found in a wolf and more likely a Werewolf like our much loved Duke. He may be aware of the noise but as he’s aged in the course of the comic, it’s probably at the range that he’s aware of the frequency but at the same time, it doesn’t cause him any pain. Which a mouse who isn’t deaf would be.
Apologies for the wall of jargon, but I love an opportunity to nerd out.
Nothing makes me happier than someone feeling free to nerd out about something that came up in one of these comics. Especially when it’s something that was either accurate or totally wrong about the storyline! Thank you!!! The more you teach, the more I learn, the better these stories can get and the smarter I feel!
Thanks, LV!
No probs t!
That mouse seems completely chill and unbothered, so I’m inclined to believe the Abbott on the fact it’s a named and known specific animal.
Where wolf? There wolf!
"There castle!"
Frau Blucher! <whinny>
I was looking up Toys In The Attic just this week, and learned that the title of that Aerosmith song *actually does* come from this movie.
Where Wolf?
(’cause it would be good to check in on what the Drow have been up to)