Well that was harrowing.
So the site is back. I’m sorry I wasn’t able to tell a lot of you what was going on, I was able to post notes on my struggles to get the site back up on Facebook

YAFGC on Facebook

But I know a lot of you don’t check there. So I hope you kept coming back and that I wasn’t gone too long.
Turns out DreamHost doesn’t like how the traffic flows through here, and so they renamed my files, disconnecting YAFGC.NET until they could get me to “fix” it. That apparently involved moving the DSN….DST? DLS?… whatever that acronym was… to some other “partner” site called CloudFlare, which they didn’t tell me involved changing NAMESERVERS. Or actually I think that was because I accidentally changed a setting while doing something else. Anyway, that meant I had to go back and change the “A” records… and make sure it linked back to DreamHost. And there was a point where I had to send them screenshots because they couldn’t see the stuff on CloudFlare and…. oh dear.

Anyway, it’s fixed now. And hopefully it will run better too.

In the meantime, I’ve got a strip uploaded and ready to go up tomorrow, continuing the current “BLOOD HAND: A Lucas and Cadugan Mystery” chapter… and I’ve also done some new strips for the Strip D&D game.

Someone a [relatively] short time ago asked if I could continue the story I started doing back in March 2020 where Glon and his wives play Strip D&D. And as I ran out of steam, it petered out and stopped suddenly after only 11 comics.

Well, I finished the story. So I’ll be posting those too. Hang in there, YAFGC is still going!

For the earlier strips, look here:
3319 Ranna Goes On A Bit
