1, you're a tease, Mr Morris!
2, TALK would've been very appropriate if it's a long journey lol
3, i hope your downtime is long enough to relax you from the rigors of that last contract, but short enough that you don't stress out. Hugs!
(4, if this is repeat post, i apologize. My phone and my brain have both been acting wonky)
1: I am. Hehehe
2: Heheh
3: Nah. The fact that I have downtime is a whole new cause of stress. But I'm trying to keep some comic content going.
4: It is not. But thanks for the warning.
I agree.
However, I'd argue standard D&D-style wilderness–and its encounters–is usually pretty effective at keeping you from reaching anywhere you want to go in a timely fashion. Even on a road. ๐
Yeah, I mean we ignored a situation with a young black dragon in order to stay on the road and on track with my group, and I know that's gonna bite us in the ass even more than the taunting the Rogue plans to do to the thieves guild of the port city we left. I'm sure she's got some crazy stories even with the world going through a "low magic" era.
Wow, I only recently realized that this comic was still updating (I must have stopped following during some long hiatus), and finished re-reading the archives and catching up.
Although it was startling to see Runtherd dressed like the Sun King, I do appreciate that the comic's timeline is visibly moving forward, rather than staying in a sorta-medieval period just 'cause.
Does anyone know which part of Canada Rich lives/lived in? Might be worth searching the Obituary sections of the local papers to see if his name pops up.
It is good to know.
But insight what he said earlier in other strips i hope peacefully… at least to August 2025. If for this time he continue without writing some new i will be worried.
But thank you for the news and spread among us.
I can certainly understand missing YAFGC, Alan. I suspect anyone still here, still commenting, cares deeply about YAFGC.
I can speak only from my own perspective, but in my case, I try to remember that YAFGC, as significant as it has truly been in my life, in my coming out, in my understanding of the world and my idea of what kind of person I want to be — well, it's a gift. And I never want my love and appreciation of a gift to become pressure to the giver, to give me another gift. I don't even want to ask Rich why there hasn't been more — it's really none of my business, is it? "But I love it so" is a poor reason to question someone's allocation of time and energy. It would be very, very easy to cross the line of admiration becoming the spectre of obligation, and I don't want that. I'd rather there never be a another YAFGC strip, than it come from a place other than pure joy and desire to tell a story, on Rich's part. Whatever the reasons that Rich is elsewhere these days, I trust him, and I trust that he's where he needs to be, doing what he needs to do.
I plan to simply still care, and should a new strip appear someday, even if I don't comment on it, I'll love it. That's the heart of being a fan — loving things. If I can't love the story itself, I'll love that there *is* a story, at all, and that someone I care about is thinking about something I care about, again. If that day never comes, then I'll be grateful for the years and years of stories that we have.
That's what being a fan means, to me. This perspective helps me to accept the reality that YAFGC doesn't update these days, and I offer it here not in judgment or criticism, but to share my entire outlook on loving a series that may or may not see future updates. I remember my one job, as a fan, and I do it, for as long as I still care. The desire to see more content is a manifestation of caring. The fear that we might not see more YAFGC is the manifestation of caring. And so, my job, as a fan, is to channel that caring into healthy and supportive modes of expression, and contexts.
This perspective brings me some comfort. I hope it does the same for you, too. Absolutely no judgment or criticism meant. Just sharing what it's like, to be a fan of something — to be the moon in love with the moon, as it were.
As typos go, it's a good one. Now I have an image of a fantasy setting where the world has two moons, the deities of which are very much in love. But the orbits mean they rarely are together. The rare conjunctions when both are in the sky serve as a much better basis for a romantic holiday than the anniversary of some guy getting tortured to death on an unrelated matter several centuries ago.
I don't think it works that way, Aaron. I think, like most free gifts, it's a case of "if time and energy permit, it'll happen, and reminding a creator that people are eagerly awaiting the next free gift just serves to create pressure to create, which is the bane of creativity and often works to inhibit the urge to work on a free gift."
I, personally, saw the climactic endgame, the destruction of the mountain, the death of Arachne, and the final throwdown between the epic forces of good and evil as a pretty clear (and pretty awesome!) finale for YAFGC. What comes next, if anything, will come in its own time, and for me, at least, expecting nothing further, and being pleasantly surprised sometimes, is an approach that makes my relationship with YAFGC a happy one.
I never want to put Rich in the position of having to make promises, either way. I just remain quietly ready to care about new stories, should they appear one day. Asking Rich to commit to either 'It's coming" (creating anxiety and pressure to then produce the "it" and face the chorus but "But you promised!" sad faces), or "It's over" (precluding the possibility that, later, time, energy and inclination will result in new YAFGC material) seems unfair to him.
I think it's time to stop asking "when" and simply say "If there's ever new YAFGC content, we'll be delighted."
Let's not pressure the man into committing to anything. Let's just love what there is, what has already been given, and be ready to welcome whatever else might (or might not) be, one day. Let's be accepting of the silence as a "not right now," that may mean "never again" or may mean "just not for now."
Again, this is my approach, and it makes coping with uncertainty and missing YAFGC easier for me — may it do so for others, as well.
It's okay. I'm happy to wait. Maybe will change to checking once a year instead of every day. Then enjoy whatever happens to come, if and when it ever does. It's a valuable lesson for life, to never take anything for granted. For my part, I loved the stories and will never lose that, especially the chimera who was my favourite character. No pressure indented and no pressure wished upon a man who has already given so much. And I wish Rich luck in his work life and hope it's not too stressful.
Wait, TALK back to Greyfort? Is typo?
AAARRGGH! Is indeed typo. Must fix.
EDIT: And fixed.
Reminds me of an old movie scene. Two guys hanging onto a piece of their ship after it sank.
"It's a long story."
"We're not going anywhere."
"Trust me, it'll take longer than that."
Not later!
I want to know it now!
Me too!
1, you're a tease, Mr Morris!
2, TALK would've been very appropriate if it's a long journey lol
3, i hope your downtime is long enough to relax you from the rigors of that last contract, but short enough that you don't stress out. Hugs!
(4, if this is repeat post, i apologize. My phone and my brain have both been acting wonky)
1: I am. Hehehe
2: Heheh
3: Nah. The fact that I have downtime is a whole new cause of stress. But I'm trying to keep some comic content going.
4: It is not. But thanks for the warning.
I now have Into the Woods running through my head.
"…I was watching him crawl
Back over the wall–
And then bang! Crash!
And the lightning flash!
And–well, that's another story,
Never mind–"
NICE! I love that show. Bernadette Peters is AMAZING.
Back to the Abbey now, yes? ๐
Patience. Let me get this story to a stopping point and we'll see. Will have to consult with t!
Glad to see you and the characters back Rich!
Thanks! It's good to be uploading content again.
It would please me to learn that the long story involves Dear Ol' Dad receiving a prophesy that he'd be killed by his daughter.
Alas. Well, you'll see.
In the meantime (consult consult)
"…tried to walk back to Greyfort."
Tried? Okay, I'm eager to find out what happened to them on that walk and what kept them from reaching Greyfort.
I agree.
However, I'd argue standard D&D-style wilderness–and its encounters–is usually pretty effective at keeping you from reaching anywhere you want to go in a timely fashion. Even on a road. ๐
Yeah, I mean we ignored a situation with a young black dragon in order to stay on the road and on track with my group, and I know that's gonna bite us in the ass even more than the taunting the Rogue plans to do to the thieves guild of the port city we left. I'm sure she's got some crazy stories even with the world going through a "low magic" era.
When you have so many wild stories you don't have time to tell them all at once
To be continued
I'm so glad you're back! x3
More like dad's ego couldn't cope with the concept of not having a son.
Of course… cliffhanger ๐
Wow, I only recently realized that this comic was still updating (I must have stopped following during some long hiatus), and finished re-reading the archives and catching up.
Although it was startling to see Runtherd dressed like the Sun King, I do appreciate that the comic's timeline is visibly moving forward, rather than staying in a sorta-medieval period just 'cause.
I only realized now. I'm pretty sure the RSS was broken.
Rich, you still there buddy?
Why do I get the feeling that this is about to go in a rather, unexpected direction?
Perhaps of a more, intimate, direction?
Surprise time skip. Next episode everyone's inexplicably in Victorian garb and there's been an industrial revolution.
Funny thing about revolving, if turning means we progress, what about when it turns back to where it was? ๐ค
It means we learned from a mistake? One can make progress in the wrong direction as well…
Hopefully you had a good Thanksgiving Rich!
Oops, fat fingers hit the reply instead of a fresh comment.
Whatever is happening with you Rich, I hope you and your family are well.
Same here! Be well.
Next episode mid 2025?
Do I have to submit an FOI request to the Canadian government to find out if you've died recently, Richard? :p
I was about to comment on the lapse in time. Anyone know the status of Rich's health?
No clue. But Happy Holidays to all those checking in here!
Very happy holidays to all, and a better next year! Miss you folk ๐
Hi Rich, hope you and everyone else in the comment's section are having a happy holiday season! ๐
Here's hoping the New Year sees a bit more story ๐
Happy holidays everyone!
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year! Wishing good health, happiness, joy, love, and prosperity to everyone in 2025.
Happy New Year, all! Yes, even you lol seriously, wishing 3veryone a wonderful year!
Happy new year, everyone!
Gosh, I just realised I stopped checking on this comic 3 times a week… ๐
Five months since the last posting. Is Rich still alive?
So, does this count as 'later'?
Does anyone know which part of Canada Rich lives/lived in? Might be worth searching the Obituary sections of the local papers to see if his name pops up.
Rich is alive, folks. I've heard murmurs from him in the last few days.
I think it's safe to presume that his mind and energy are on other projects these days, and I respect and support that.
Thatโs a relief. Thank you!
Ooh thanks, I was getting worried.
Thanks for passing that along! While having more story would be nice, knowing Rich is okay is by far more important.
That's good news. If he is busy with work then he is surviving. We will be here when he has the time.
It is good to know.
But insight what he said earlier in other strips i hope peacefully… at least to August 2025. If for this time he continue without writing some new i will be worried.
But thank you for the news and spread among us.
I can certainly understand missing YAFGC, Alan. I suspect anyone still here, still commenting, cares deeply about YAFGC.
I can speak only from my own perspective, but in my case, I try to remember that YAFGC, as significant as it has truly been in my life, in my coming out, in my understanding of the world and my idea of what kind of person I want to be — well, it's a gift. And I never want my love and appreciation of a gift to become pressure to the giver, to give me another gift. I don't even want to ask Rich why there hasn't been more — it's really none of my business, is it? "But I love it so" is a poor reason to question someone's allocation of time and energy. It would be very, very easy to cross the line of admiration becoming the spectre of obligation, and I don't want that. I'd rather there never be a another YAFGC strip, than it come from a place other than pure joy and desire to tell a story, on Rich's part. Whatever the reasons that Rich is elsewhere these days, I trust him, and I trust that he's where he needs to be, doing what he needs to do.
I plan to simply still care, and should a new strip appear someday, even if I don't comment on it, I'll love it. That's the heart of being a fan — loving things. If I can't love the story itself, I'll love that there *is* a story, at all, and that someone I care about is thinking about something I care about, again. If that day never comes, then I'll be grateful for the years and years of stories that we have.
That's what being a fan means, to me. This perspective helps me to accept the reality that YAFGC doesn't update these days, and I offer it here not in judgment or criticism, but to share my entire outlook on loving a series that may or may not see future updates. I remember my one job, as a fan, and I do it, for as long as I still care. The desire to see more content is a manifestation of caring. The fear that we might not see more YAFGC is the manifestation of caring. And so, my job, as a fan, is to channel that caring into healthy and supportive modes of expression, and contexts.
This perspective brings me some comfort. I hope it does the same for you, too. Absolutely no judgment or criticism meant. Just sharing what it's like, to be a fan of something — to be the moon in love with the moon, as it were.
* the moth in love with the moon, that is. I'm old and creaky and can't type anymore.
As typos go, it's a good one. Now I have an image of a fantasy setting where the world has two moons, the deities of which are very much in love. But the orbits mean they rarely are together. The rare conjunctions when both are in the sky serve as a much better basis for a romantic holiday than the anniversary of some guy getting tortured to death on an unrelated matter several centuries ago.
Seven months and counting. This is how webcomics die.
Not with bang but with a whimper
Maybe someone who knows Rich could ask him to write a statement at the beginning to let us know if the comic is continuing.
I don't think it works that way, Aaron. I think, like most free gifts, it's a case of "if time and energy permit, it'll happen, and reminding a creator that people are eagerly awaiting the next free gift just serves to create pressure to create, which is the bane of creativity and often works to inhibit the urge to work on a free gift."
I, personally, saw the climactic endgame, the destruction of the mountain, the death of Arachne, and the final throwdown between the epic forces of good and evil as a pretty clear (and pretty awesome!) finale for YAFGC. What comes next, if anything, will come in its own time, and for me, at least, expecting nothing further, and being pleasantly surprised sometimes, is an approach that makes my relationship with YAFGC a happy one.
I never want to put Rich in the position of having to make promises, either way. I just remain quietly ready to care about new stories, should they appear one day. Asking Rich to commit to either 'It's coming" (creating anxiety and pressure to then produce the "it" and face the chorus but "But you promised!" sad faces), or "It's over" (precluding the possibility that, later, time, energy and inclination will result in new YAFGC material) seems unfair to him.
I think it's time to stop asking "when" and simply say "If there's ever new YAFGC content, we'll be delighted."
Let's not pressure the man into committing to anything. Let's just love what there is, what has already been given, and be ready to welcome whatever else might (or might not) be, one day. Let's be accepting of the silence as a "not right now," that may mean "never again" or may mean "just not for now."
Again, this is my approach, and it makes coping with uncertainty and missing YAFGC easier for me — may it do so for others, as well.
It's my approach as well, with the caveat that I would prefer if he checked in occasionally so we can know he's okay. After 2020 I worry more.
It's okay. I'm happy to wait. Maybe will change to checking once a year instead of every day. Then enjoy whatever happens to come, if and when it ever does. It's a valuable lesson for life, to never take anything for granted. For my part, I loved the stories and will never lose that, especially the chimera who was my favourite character. No pressure indented and no pressure wished upon a man who has already given so much. And I wish Rich luck in his work life and hope it's not too stressful.